Read Books Novel

Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(12)
Author: Jennifer Foor

The hot water ran down her body as I entered the shower behind her. I’d been denying myself pleasure for too long, but since I’d taken care of that problem earlier, I knew I was going to be able to keep going.

I could tell that she was turned on when she saw me standing behind her. I ran my hands over her shoulders and leaned in to kiss her again. I couldn’t get enough of those lips and how she mimicked the rhythm of my tongue.

This girl didn’t know how bad I needed to f**k her. She couldn’t know how long I had held off from being sexual with someone. There was no way for her to know that I was planning to take out all of my frustrations on that sweet pu**y of hers. First, it was her turn. I looked right into those beautiful eyes. “You may want to sit on the edge of the tub, cause when I’m done with you, your balance ain’t goin’ to be good.”

Chapter 5


It wasn’t the fact that he’d offered.

It was more to the point that he actually wanted to please me.

In all of my sexual experiences with Mack, he’d never just offered. I sat there, in his arms for a couple seconds, looking at this man that was so perfectly beautiful.

He really was.

The water was beating down over our faces, albeit neither of us moved an inch. I finally adjusted, letting my body slide back down to standing. Ford didn’t release me until he was sure I had my balance, which I appreciated. Once we were both looking at each other again, he grabbed the back of my head and kissed me, hard. If we weren’t in the shower, it would have been a messy kiss. The water couldn’t cool off my body with kisses like these.

Ford ducked his head near my ear. He kissed me behind it before rubbing his wet lips against the lobe. “Tell me you want me to taste you. I want to hear you say how much you want to feel my tongue playin’ with your pu**y.”

His words literally made my ni**les tingle. My breathing became irregular and I felt like I was having an out-of-body experience as the words started coming out of my mouth. “Oh yeah, eat my pu**y, Ford. Show me what you can do.”

I was probably blushing, but he’d already started kissing his way down my body, taking a few extra moments to sample each of my br**sts. When he sucked at each nipple, little noises escaped from deep inside of me. He wasn’t just sucking on them, though. As his lips pulled away, his teeth bit down. It felt so good and I ran my hands through his hair, holding him in place with a fist full of dark strands. He laughed and looked up at me watching him. “Darlin’, I’m just gettin’ started.”

Incredible, overwhelming feelings bombarded me as I thought about what was in store for me. “Show me what you got,” I whispered.

While already on his knees, he softly kissed down my abdomen, stopping about an inch from the top of my pu**y. He looked up at me and smiled, slowly placing more kisses on my smooth skin.

I watched him pull away and reach up to run two fingers over my folds, while never taking his eyes off of my naked sex. He licked his lips and I felt weak in the knees. A few more strokes with his fingers and I was ready to beg him to dive in and eat me, except, he turned me around so my ass was in his face.

I felt the bar of soap circling over each cheek, while his hands rubbed the lather around. When I felt him rubbing the soap inside of my crack, I tightened, afraid of his intentions.

The water was starting to cool down as it poured out of the showerhead and trickled down my skin. I could tell without looking that he was rinsing me off, using his fingers to check for remaining soap that was still in my crack.

When I felt him kissing on my bare ass, I began to panic. Nobody had ever gotten close to touching my ass. It made me feel uncomfortable. Especially when he made his next request. “Bend over more.”

I tried to turn around. “No!”

His lips kissed my ass again and I could feel him exploring it with his fingers again. “I won’t f**k you in the ass, Sky. Bend over for me.”

I was so afraid about what he was going to shove in my ass. I mean, he could have just violated me without me being able to fight back.

Still, I bent over like he asked.

“Mmm, good girl. Look at that pu**y.” He reached between my legs and started rubbing my lips, then my clit. My knees felt weak again as he continued massaging my sex with his fingers. I didn’t mind him kissing my ass, because his fingers were making me feel so good. He played with my ass**le, but never violated it. The sensations he was giving me were different than I’d ever felt.

“Please don’t stop.” I leaned my face against the shower wall and concentrated on the way he was pleasing me. I hadn’t even been penetrated and it was already feeling amazing. Just when I thought that things couldn’t feel any better, I felt his tongue diving into my pu**y. He made it hard and pierced me with it like it was his cock. I bent over more, exposing myself for the taking. His thumb was still rubbing vigorously over my clit, making me shake and feel waves of shock throughout my body. I knew I was having an orgasm and so did Ford. His tongue moved faster and I cried out against the wall, praying my legs wouldn’t give out on me.

He pulled away and ran his hands up and down my ass. “I made you cum and you couldn’t even see me.” He moaned. “You taste so good. I’m going to have more of that sweet pu**y later. Now, turn around and face me.”

I did as he said, while still trying to catch my breath. I’d never been tongue f**ked, nor had I ever had an orgasm while a guy was so close to my ass.

With my pu**y staring him in the face, I thought he’d stand up, but instead, he leaned in and licked my lips. When his tongue made contact with my throbbing bud, I thought I was going to scream. He must have seen how my body jerked, because he repeated the process, over and over, until I grabbed his hair and stilled him.

Obviously, I was a shaking mess of pleasure. Ford kissed his way back up to standing and switched places with me, letting the cool water rinse my body again. He climbed out of the shower, offering me his hand for support. We didn’t use towels. Instead, he led me back to the bed, where he sat me down and kissed me tenderly. When he stood up, all I noticed was how hard he was again. He looked down at his c**k and smiled, while reaching into the table and pulling out a rubber.

This was it.

We were going to f**k and I knew it was going to be good.

He ran his hand up between my br**sts. “You’re in control, Sky. I’ll only go as far as you want me to.”

“Shut up!” I took my legs and wrapped them around his waist. “I want it.” His strong arms were keeping his body off of mine. I grabbed the condom and pulled it out, then reached down and started applying it. He groaned and closed his eyes and I liked that it turned him on so much to have me touching him.
