Read Books Novel

Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(13)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“You’re makin’ me crazy.” He kissed me tenderly.

“I like your accent.”

“You’re goin’ to like a lot more than that.” He entered me with ease, considering I was already wet and ready. At first, there was a lot of pressure. I found myself moaning away the discomfort. He was much thicker than my ex and, as much as it hurt, it also felt delightful.

He stayed on top, balancing his body with his hands, while getting into a good rhythm. His eyes were locked with mine and every few seconds he leaned down and kissed my lips.

I couldn’t get enough of the way our tongues blended together. It was like we’d been kissing partners for years. His lips were soft, wet and welcoming. I could have spent the whole night just making out with him.

When he sat up and distanced himself from me, I felt disappointed, until he lifted up my legs, bringing my knees up against my chest. At first, it took the wind out of me, but once he started pumping himself into me again, I could see why he’d done it. It felt like he was going in deeper and the pressure was giving me that building fire again. Before I even had a chance to do anything about it, my body tightened and I screamed out again.

He kept going, despite me losing feeling in my whole body for a few brief seconds. When I looked up into his eyes, I saw the reason written on his face. He’d made me cum and it got him off. He thrust inside of me one more time, hard, making a smacking sound. I watched his face scrunch up as he released his load inside of me.

With little effort, my legs fell to the side of him on the bed as he leaned down and rolled me over on top of him. We were still connected and I couldn’t help but notice that he was still hard. Taking it upon myself, I began rocking my body against his. He reached up and grabbed my tits, so I lifted both of my hands into my hair. “Do you need me to stop?” I asked.

He shook his head. “Fuck no! Ride me hard. It feels too good to stop.”

I rocked him harder. “Are you having fun?”

“Don’t worry about me, Sky. How does it feel to you?” He pinched my ni**les, making me cry out before I could answer. I propelled my body as fast as it would move. Euphoria hit and I couldn’t control myself. I could feel every muscle in my body absorbing the pure energy that was flowing through my body. He ran his hands up and down my waist, steadying me as I lost control. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

I leaned down and kissed him, letting my lips linger over his. “I want more!”

He grabbed my ass and squeezed both cheeks. “So do I.”

I liked hearing him saying it.

After we’d both caught our breath, Ford got up and walked over to the kitchen table. He sat on a chair and lit up a smoke. I pulled the sheet over my naked parts, intently watching him sit there completely naked. “Do you work out?”

He exhaled. “I used to play sports in high school. I played a little football in college, but f**ked up my ankle my sophomore year. The only exercise I get now is from liftin’ tires and workin’ on cars.”

I played with my toes and thought about opening a can of worms, especially after the time we had just had together. “Ford, why didn’t you just go back to school?”

“Well, I would have liked to, but my dad ain’t gettin’ any younger. With my mom gone and now my sister, he just can’t handle things on his own. I really don’t have a choice.”

I felt bad for him. “I’m sorry for asking.”

He took another drag and exhaled while he talked. “It ain’t your fault. Shit happens.”

“So you’ll just stay here forever?”

He shrugged and finally put out the cigarette. “I can’t think about it, right now. It’s important that I’m here for the old man.”

“It just sucks that you’re stuck in this place.”

He walked into the bathroom but left the door open. “You should be glad that I’m here, otherwise you’d be on the side of the road still.”

I heard the water coming on and saw him starting to brush his teeth. “Ford?”

He peeked out of the bathroom. “Yeah?”

“Thanks for everything you did for me. I don’t know how I could ever repay you for …Well, I think you know.” Paying my repair bill was going to be hard enough. I was on a damn budget and this was not in it. The sex was a bonus, but it wasn’t going to make the repair bill disappear.

He walked out and climbed onto the bed with fresh breath, pulling me in his arms and kissing me on the side of the head. His legs wrapped around mine and I leaned my back into his chest. “Sky, I’ve been miserable for too damn long. You wreckin’ that car has been the best f**kin’ thing to happen to me in a long while. I’m glad it happened.” He pushed my hair away and kissed me again. “I ain’t askin’ for anything from you, but I have to tell you that your boyfriend is a fool. He let somethin’ fine go. It’s all good though, because I got to f**k the hottest girl this town’s ever seen. Hell, I never thought you’d really give me head. I never even thought you’d agree to what I was throwin’ at you.”

I turned and looked at him. “I liked it.”

He laughed. “Not as much as me.”

I was worried about what I wanted to say, but since this was a “no strings attached” situation, I felt the need to address it. “What happens now? Do you just fix my car and I go on my way and never speak to you again? Forgive me for being blunt; I’ve just never had a one-night-stand before. A part of me was hoping that it sucked so I didn’t feel bad about walking away.”

He chuckled. “Except it didn’t suck.” He ran his fingers through mine and pulled them up to my chest. “My life is f**ked up, Sky. What you see is what you get. I already told you that I can’t offer you anythin’.”

I felt sad, but not because he seemed to be rejecting me. It was because his actions were matching up to his words. I’d never felt so connected to someone, and I hardly knew enough about him to call him anything. “So, when I walk out that door, you don’t ever want to see me again?”

Since he was still holding me, I was confident that I would get the answer I wanted. Having a one-night-stand made me feel dirty, and the fact that I enjoyed it so much would make us being friends so much easier to take.

Did I feel bad for sleeping with Ford?

Hell no!

“You live hours away, Sky. I’m here, in the middle of nowhere. We have one gas station, one grocery store, and three churches. It ain’t like coming here is at all excitin’. Shit, we can’t even use the cell phones we own until we drive ten miles from our houses.”
