Read Books Novel

Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(14)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“So, all we have is tonight?”

“I guess so.”

I felt defeated but, at the same time, almost relieved that what I was doing was never going to get out. I wasn’t ashamed, per se, of being with Ford. I liked it, too much to admit out loud. The problem was that I had an image to uphold. What kind of martyr would I be if I went out and screwed some stranger to get back at my cheating ex? In the big scheme of things, that’s exactly what this was. It was revenge sex. That final push to go through with it wasn’t just because I thought the guy was sexy as hell, it was because I wanted to forget, and in order to do that, I had to occupy my time with something that would crush Mack.

I turned around and looked him right in the eyes, while leaning in and brushing our lips together. “Then I guess we should make it a night neither of us will ever forget!”


I could tell from the way she was acting that she wondered if we would see each other again. It would just end the same way each time, though. We lived too far apart to ever be more than just a one-night-stand. Sure, I liked the girl, physically. I didn’t know too much about her on a personal level, and I wasn’t going to ask. The less I knew, the less I would care. Having feelings only left me hurt. Nothing lasts forever and I promised myself that I wouldn’t feel that way again.

Being happy, in some sort of fairytale, wasn’t an option for me anymore. My family had f**ked that up for me. I’d never have what I really wanted in life.

“I know you think I’m bein’ a dick, but you got to remember that I never made you any promises. I told you exactly what my intentions were from the beginnin’.”

She let out a sigh and her expression told me more than her words were going to. “I was there. I remember.”

I stroked the hair out of her face. Her skin was sun kissed and I loved how soft it felt under my calloused hands. “The night is still young, you know. You ain’t got to be sad about never seein’ me again. Not yet.”

She sat up, causing me to move to the side of her. “Who said I was sad?”

Was she really playing my cocky card? “Is that right?” I reached over and brushed my two fingers over her lips. “So, you could just walk away and never think about the way I kissed you?”

She closed her eyes and opened them to display a straight face. “Yup!”

I took the back of my hand and stroked one of her ni**les. “You could just go on with your life and never imagine me touching you?” Then I reached down and drove my finger inside of her. She gasped and adjusted her body. “Tell me that I’m not the best you ever had.”

Sure, I was being blatant. I honestly had no idea if I ranked high on her list of partners. It wasn’t my place to ask.

When she didn’t deny it, I took it as a sign. “Say somethin’, Sky.”

She arched her body as I moved my finger in and out with precision. She said nothing again.

“Do you want me to stop?” I asked.

“No!” She whined.

My lips made their way to her neck and I ran my tongue over her skin. She moved her head to the side, allowing me to explore and taste her salty skin. She still smelled of our fresh shower, combined with the heat of our last encounter. It turned me on knowing that I’d made her body sweat that way. Parts of her hair were still damp in the back and I ran my hand through it, pulling it to allow me to nestle my mouth at the bottom of her jaw.

I pulled my finger out of her and left a trail of wetness as I ran it around her belly button. She looked right at me and bit down on her lip. “Please, Ford. Touch me.” She took my hand and put it back down near her pu**y. I leaned in and kissed her lips while looking into her eyes.

“You’re right. The night is still young. If you want to be the best I ever had, I’d suggest we keep going.” She admitted.

I laughed and placed small kisses around her mouth. “Yeah, I think I’ve already taken that award, but I’ll keep goin’, for the sake of makin’ sure you never forget about me.”

Chapter 6


Our enjoyment of each other lasted the rest of the night, only taking breaks to get a drink and rejuvenate our energy. Ford never mentioned having to get up and work the next day. He was focused on me and nothing else. My insatiable desire for him only intensified each time our bodies connected. I couldn’t get enough of this beautiful stranger, and as the sun came up, I tried to hold on to every moment, in fear of it being our last.

We must have finally passed out as the sun was rising, because a knock at the door, and his father busting in, sent us both sitting up in a frantic panic. “Ford! Ugh..” He put his hands over his face to block our nakedness. “I need you downstairs. Now!” His father walked back out the door without saying anything.

Ford climbed over me. He kissed me on the forehead. “Go back to sleep, beautiful.” He climbed out of bed and I noticed he was standing at attention as he walked in to the bathroom.

I was sore, sorer than ever before. My vagina felt like it had been in contact with a missile. As much as it hurt, it still caused me to smile. Just knowing how amazing our night had been sent chills throughout my body. Through the crack in the bathroom door, I could see him brushing his teeth. His sculpted body was all I needed to see to be turned on again. My ni**les began to tingle and as I adjusted myself in the bed, the sheets rubbed against my hardened ni**les. A chain reaction, that I was unable to control, took over. My pu**y began to throb and I knew what it needed.

My feet worked quickly, kicking the covers away from my naked body. There was no fear of being ashamed as I reached down and touched my hungry sex. My fingers separated the folds and I touched myself in the exact spot that I knew so well. I closed my eyes and rubbed my clit in circular motions, applying enough pressure to quickly pleasure myself. My body began rocking and I opened my eyes only because the bed moved. Ford sat there, with his eyes on my prize. When I stopped, he looked at me. “Don’t you dare stop, Sky. Make yourself cum. Show me how you like it, baby.”

I moved my fingers slowly, while I watched him watching me. He was still naked and kept licking his lips as my fingers massaged my swollen bud. I was on the brink and my body began to react. He reached over and started sucking on one of my ni**les. I watched his tongue flicking it as he pushed it closer to my mouth. Keeping my eyes on him, I reached my head down and stuck out my tongue, meeting his, while he was still licking my nipple. His deep voice vibrated off it and I lost control of my whole being. My head fell back against the pillow and I closed my eyes, while being overwhelmed with pleasure. My body bucked and I cried out, while I watched Ford sucking and flicking my little nipple.
