Read Books Novel

Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(5)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I backed away from the door, feeling more embarrassed than I’d ever been in my life. This guy had caught me checking him out again. What was I supposed to say? “Whatever!”

“Try not to use all the hot water. I need to get cleaned up myself.” I looked him up and down, then watched him close the door as he walked away and out of the bathroom.

I leaned against the door, trying to catch my breath.

What the hell was wrong with me?

The shower felt so good and I was glad I had grabbed my bag out of the car, because it had all of my products in it. The fresh smell of my shampoo made me feel like I was back at home, but as soon as I turned off the water, I was reminded where I really was.

In some stranger’s house.

Using his shower.

Standing in only a towel.

I brushed away the moisture off the mirror and looked at myself. It pissed me off that I’d been cheated on. Other guys were always hitting on me and I knew I looked hot. Just to make myself feel better, I dropped the towel. My body was still wet and under the light it shined, accentuating my tanned skin in all the right places. I ran my hands over my br**sts and felt my ni**les tingle immediately.

It had been two weeks since the breakup and I felt like I was going through withdrawals from not having sex. I wasn’t a freak, but we all have needs. Maybe my needs were just greater than others.

While running my brush through my hair, I let my body air-dry. I’d just had my highlights redone and my natural brown locks had been transformed to blonde. I worked part time at a tanning salon, so my skin was always nice and brown. I was often asked if I was from Brazil, not that I looked anything like that model that married the quarterback.

I guess I hadn’t considered that Ford was in a hurry, because as I was bent over to apply my makeup, the door flung open.

We were both speechless.

I reached down and grabbed the towel, but not fast enough for him to not catch a peek at everything I had. Instead of closing the door and backing himself out, he leaned back and just watched me scurrying around trying to cover all of my appendages. “Do you mind?”

“I’ve seen a naked chick before. It ain’t like you’re hidin’ yourself.” He didn’t take his eyes off of me.

“Please get out?” I was beet red, waiting for him to leave, looking for something to cover up my nakedness.

“I really need to get a shower.” He leaned over and turned on the water. “It is my place, you know.”

I gathered my things, while still wrapped in the towel and started to run out of the bathroom, until I caught a glimpse of him taking off his pants. Once I saw his perfectly sculpted bare ass, I just froze. He grabbed the shower curtain and took a step in, then looked back at me. “Now we’re even, I reckon.” With a quick smile he disappeared behind the curtain.

I didn’t know if I was more embarrassed or pissed. The longer I stewed, the more I began to have flashes of his naked body. I wondered if he was in the shower thinking of mine.

This was hardly the kind of guy that I would ever think of hooking up with. He lived in the middle of nowhere. His father gave me the creeps and he thought he was hot shit.

Okay, maybe he was fun to look at.

That’s beside the point.

He was a stranger, and I was naked in his house.

Can you say stupid?

I hurried and got myself dressed, then put all of my stuff neatly back in the duffle bag. When he came out, I happened to be still sitting on his bed, which was technically also his couch.

He was wearing only a towel, and my jaw dropped when I looked at his glistening skin all cleaned up. His hair was disheveled and he rubbed away the wetness as he approached me. “There ain’t any hotels around here, and your car won’t get looked at until tomorrow mornin’. It’s best if you just stay here tonight. I have somewhere I got to be, then I’ll crash at my dad’s.” He dropped the towel with his back facing me and put on a pair of boxers, before turning around. “You may think I’m a dick, but I think I’m pretty f**kin’ awesome.”

He had the best ass that I’ve ever seen on a man. It was all I was thinking about.

I crossed my legs and focused on his face, knowing that if I looked at any other part of him, I’d be panting. “What if I want to leave?”

He pointed toward the door. “There’s the door. Damn, I should have known you’d act like a stuck-up city girl. You’re all the same! I was just tryin’ to help you out, seein’ as you ain’t got nowhere else to go.”

I stood up and walked over to him. “You don’t know me.”

He laughed. “I know you got into the car with a stranger because you thought I looked good.”

I pushed him. “I got into your truck because you were the first person to come around for hours. I was hot and needed fresh water, before I dehydrated.”

“My dad tried to help you. He came back to the garage bettin’ me twenty bucks that you’d come home with me.” He opened up his wallet and flashed a twenty. “It was even the same truck!”

“So what? He was old and I felt like he was creepy. He was staring at my tits. I can’t believe you bet on my safety. You’re such a dick!”

He laughed again. “Do you even hear yourself? He’s a man. I’m a man. We like tits.” He looked at my chest and ran his index finger over my shirt. I backed away, but was already feeling hot from it. “Especially ones that look like yours.”

I stared at him, wondering if I should slap him or tell him that every time he spoke I felt like I was on fire. “I am not going to stand here and belittle myself by having this conversation. All I want to do is get my car fixed and get to the beach, so I can drown myself in liquor and forget about the last few years of my life. I will stay here tonight, because I have nobody else to come get me. If you touch me again, I will rip your dick off!”

He scratched his head and turned around, grabbing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. It almost hurt to watch him cover up his body the way he was. “I ain’t got time for this!”

He started to walk away. “’Wait! I’m hungry. Before you go out, can you tell me where the delivery menus are?”

He slipped on a pair of flip-flops, and I realized that not only did he look completely normal, but he was totally my type. Here I was, standing in this guy’s place. Nobody knew where I was. I could do and say whatever I wanted and never have to think about my actions. Maybe my friend was right.

He grabbed his keys off the counter and turned to look at me. “You can come with me, if you want.”
