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Replace Me

Replace Me (Kin #2)(26)
Author: Jennifer Foor

He never took his eyes off of me and that’s when I knew that he’d been right all along. Our intense connection was scary and that meant that when we came down off of the high, we’d created a mess that neither of us knew how to handle. His tough facade wasn’t in this bedroom. This man I was with was someone else completely and I wanted to know everything about him.

We’d crossed a line, acting on pure lust, and nothing was going to come out of it except heartache, because all along it was about sex and nothing else.

Joey erupted and finally let himself release nearly an hour later. Not only was I surprised about his ability to last, but also that he’d never been selfish, not even for a minute. When I felt him ejaculating, I got off again, tightening my walls and almost squeezing him out. He clung to my ass and held me still, until he could open his eyes and move around again. I fell down over his chest, sweating and out of breath. Instead of rolling me off of him, he held me and kissed the top of my head. “You weren’t lying,” I managed to announce.

“Woman, we’re just gettin’ started.”

Chapter 13


My friends place at the beach wasn’t anything to write home about. Aside from it looking like a pig sty, it could have probably been condemned at any moment due to the structure being in such poor condition.

Chris Bono, also known as Boner, had been a friend since we both were lifeguards. We trained together and partied together.

Even though we still kept in touch, Boner hadn’t changed and still lived his life drinking and hooking up with random girls, even the small amount that came around in the winter.

He greeted me with a half hug and a smile, before shoving a bong in my face. “I missed you, brother. What’s goin’ on, man?”

Boner had a lot going for him. Aside from his parents paying for him to live at the beach year round, his father was a huge part of the Ocean City community. He’d grown up there and only moved recently, when tourism got too much to handle.

Living only ten miles outside of Ocean City, he frequently paid his son visits where he would press him about growing up and finishing school.

Boner didn’t care. He said he was happy and didn’t need anything more to feel adequate. He was a beach bum in every way and a part of me envied his easy going lifestyle.

“Shit hit the fan this week at my place. I had to get the f**k out of there.” He was going to want details and I didn’t know where to begin.

After an hour of explaining, several beers, and then my having to re-explain, he finally got it. “Dude, you really f**ked up this time. Lacey, she was a fine piece of ass.”

“Yeah, I know. The thing is, as much as I want to be able to say that I could try to be with one person, I don’t know if I could. I care about the girl, that’s not a lie, but it wasn’t like I wanted to get married and shit.”

“I hear ya, dude. You’re better off just lettin’ her go. Girls like that will mess with your mojo, big-time.”

“Tell me about it.” I popped open a beer, that he happened to keep in a cooler next to the couch, so he didn’t have to get up to grab them.

“You need to get laid?”

“Nah. I just want to get drunk. This one has gotten into my head.”

“You sure you’re over it?”

That was a good question. “It doesn’t matter. She’s moved on already.” I moved my head around, disappointed. “She’s seein’ someone who’s related through marriage. I think I’m just pissed that I still have to see her.”

He looked shocked. “She’s seein’ a relative? Holy shit, dude, that’s lame.”

“We share a mutual cousin. It don’t matter.”

Boner took a hit from his bong and offered it to me, but I held up my hand to pass. While still holding in the smoke, he began to speak. “I’d show up at every function with a hot ass bitch on my arm.”

Hurting Lacey wasn’t part of some diabolical plan to make me feel better. I’d put myself here and I needed to live with it, without hurting her. “I don’t want to do that. She’s a nice girl. I just wish she wasn’t with that prick.”

When Boner sat his bong on the table he checked his phone before leaning back. “Annie and her friend are comin’ over.”

Annie was another local. She was raised by her grandparents and had a wild side that they had no idea about. Not only did she have tremendous tits, but she had an amazing body, skinny in all the right places and stacked in the others. We’d hooked up several times, including right before I got with Lacey and once when we were together. In fact, Lacey always seemed threatened by Annie, so I didn’t tell her that we still talked frequently.

When she arrived, her hair was done and she was dressed nice, as opposed to her usual bummy look. Her long brown hair was rarely down, and especially not straightened and styled like it was. She saw me and smiled, walking over and climbing on my lap without even looking around the room for who else might be there. Her lips pressed against mine before she spoke. “Mmm, I missed you, Shayne.”

My hands traveled back to her ass and I pulled her closer to me, ignoring the fact that her friend had sat down and was waiting to be introduced. Annie finally turned around and began giggling as she pointed to her friend. “Shayne, this is Megan. She’s my new roommate.”

I motioned to wave to the girl, but when I got a good look at her, everything in the room disappeared except for us. Not only was she blonde, beautiful and totally my type, but she reminded me of Lacey. When I said nothing, Boner added his two-cents. “Excuse my friend. You sort of look like his ex.”

“Shut up! It’s nice to meet you.”

She smiled and looked down like she was shy. It was different than I was used to. Most girls came on to me without me having to do anything at all.

Annie climbed off of me and walked into the kitchen like she owned the place. She came out with a bottle of rum and four shot glasses. “Before you decide to hit on my friend and take her innocence away, I think we should get drunk.”

I took a shot glass, but never looked away from the girl. She grabbed one and smiled, but I could tell she was uneasy. “Where are you from?”

“St. Michaels.”

In the midst of throwing back my shot, I began to gag. St. Michaels was ten minutes from where Lacey grew up. Realizing the millions of people in the world, I didn’t want to even ask if they knew each other. It wasn’t possible. Lacey had never mentioned a girl named Megan that I could remember. “Is your dad a waterman?”
