Vampire Crush (Page 38)

Vampire Crush(38)
Author: A.M. Robinson

When I am finally able to control my breathing, I realize that the parked car is one in a very long line of parked cars despite the fact that it’s nine on the nose. Obviously, this crowd threw any thoughts of being fashionably late out the window.

I park my car and trudge toward the sprawling two story house just as more cars pull up behind me, spewing their giggling occupants into the street, most of whom are already wearing their bathing suits. Personally, I plan on keeping my shirt on until someone ties me down and rips it from my body.

After I pass the final street lamp, the only light left is what pours out from the lower floor of Vlad’s house. I see floor-to-ceiling windows, gray, rickety shutters, and a wraparound porch that is illuminated by a single jaundiced light. Moths flutter around it in a vibrating nimbus, and every once in a while one kamikazes into the huddled mass of bodies crowding the doorway. Going by turnout alone, I’d say Vlad’s party is a success.

I join the group crowding the porch. A girl in a simple one-piece suit to my left is crying, "But this is the only bathing suit I have!" while her pixyish friend clumsily pats her on the back and stares longingly at the party beyond. Her suit is a size too large, but at least it’s a two-piece. She bites her lip before turning back to her distraught friend. "Why don’t you go buy one at Wal-Mart and then meet me back here?" she says. "Or we can, like, cut yours."

I’m jostled to the front of the pack before I can hear her decision. Looking up, I find myself staring into the brown eyes of Devon – or perhaps Ashley – now on guard duty. It’s the first time that I’ve seen one without the other, and it’s an unsettling feeling. D’Ashley’s eyes rake over my body, narrowing when they hit my offending piece of clothing. He points at my shirt and then jerks a thumb to the side.

I grasp the hem, wondering why I’m the only one who’s showing any resistance to the forced disrobing. Overtaken by a sudden fit of stubbornness, I pause halfway and tug my T-shirt back down. I wait for D’Ashley’s next move. After a few seconds of cartoonish confusion, he makes a motion suggesting that my time is up and I should move out of the way to let in the less difficult guests. When I make no sign of complying, he grabs my shoulder and starts to push me from the porch. Suddenly a hand clamps down on my shoulder.

"Hey, Sophie," James says, sidling up beside me. He looks disgustingly attractive in dark blue jeans and a smoky gray T-shirt. I wasn’t expecting him to be here, so my reply is a mixture between "Hello," "Huh?" and "Excuse me?" I sound like a thing that just gurgled its way out of the swamp. He’s nice enough to pretend that I have spoken English.

"Ready to go in?" he asks, and then turns to D’Ashley. "She’s with me."

There is no way I am taking anything off now, not with James standing less than two feet away from me. I grab the dangling ends of my bikini top and waggle them at the hulking bodyguard. "I have my suit on. See?"

D’Ashley starts to shake his head, but a burst of laughter draws his attention to a point behind me. A new gang of students, about twenty in all, are stumbling up the hill. Fear flashes across the large boy’s face; I don’t think he was prepared for bouncer duty, and the students are becoming restless.

"Are you going to let us in or what?" James says, making a point to look at his watch and shake his arm like it’s burning a hole under his sleeve. "Looks like you’ve got a lot of people left to check. Vlad won’t be happy if it’s ten o’clock and half of his guests are still waiting at the door."

The threat of Vlad’s displeasure does the trick. D’Ashley gives a terse wave.

We slip in, pushing through a crush of people cluttering up the foyer. At first I check backs and stomachs for any marks, but the bodies are packed so tightly that it starts to feel claustrophobic. I struggle my way to the bottom step of the ornate staircase that leads to the dark second floor. It smells musty, like fall leaves after a rainstorm. Still, this is better than drowning in a swimsuit calendar.

"Thanks for that," I say when James steps up the stairs beside me, and then, because I can’t resist, "I thought you were going to the movies with Amanda."

"Nah," James says, and I have to distract myself to hide what I am sure is a glow of pleasure. I look away to do a quick scan of the room. Girls outnumber the boys three to one, and the small number of males present wear their friend status like lodestones around their necks. Most of them hide in corners, staring into their plastic red cups like they might offer up what to do next. As for the girls, a few of them have grass hula skirts – whether vampire provided or not, I don’t know – but as expected, I am the only person not showing any real skin.

"If you want to remove your protective shell," James says, "you won’t hear any complaints from me."

"That’s okay. I’m here as more of an observer."

"I figured you weren’t here for the company."

I study his face in the shadows cast by the sharp angles of the stairway. Except for that one time during chemistry, I’ve never seen him looking less than healthy and refreshed. Now he’s leaning back against the railing and studying me with a smile. I’ve missed talking to him, I realize. I’ve missed it a lot.

Feeling exposed, I glance to the top of the long stairs. The other half of D’Ashley is standing there like a golem, his arms crossed over his chest as he stares down at us.

"What’s he doing there?"

Reluctantly, James follows my gaze. "Vlad doesn’t want people going upstairs."


"He’s got this thing about people touching his stuff."

"That’s all?"

"Pretty much," James says. "There aren’t any giant wall diagrams that say, ‘This is My Evil Plan,’ if that’s what you’re thinking."

That is what I was thinking.

"Let’s go up," I say, suddenly inspired. "He might let me through if I’m with you. We could find out more about who he’s looking for and what the Danae wants with her."

He looks away. "I knew this was a mistake," he mutters.

Frustration takes over. "Then why do you keep helping me? First with the journalism project, and now with the party. You have to know why I’m here."

He opens his mouth but then seems to be at a loss for words. "I don’t know," he finally says. "Vlad told us we had to come, and I saw you standing there and maybe I just thought that the party would be more interesting with you in it," he says before the sincerity is ruined with a twitch of his lips. "I mean, there was that party at Morgan Michaels’s house in sixth grade where you drank all that orange soda and then left when everyone started playing kissing games."