Vampire Crush (Page 60)

Vampire Crush(60)
Author: A.M. Robinson

He moves forward again, and I retreat until my back is against the tree. My mind wildly wonders if it is the same one as before as he stands in front of me and forces my head up.

"Is this really worth it?" I blurt. "You’ve alienated all of your friends."

"I will have new friends," he says. "It is as they say – to make an omelet, you must crack a few heads."

"Eggs," I say. "Crack a few eggs."

"That does not make any sense," he says impatiently, and then without even a three, two, one, he bends over and buries his fangs in my neck.

Like before, the pain is like a sudden fire as Vlad’s thumb digs into the hollow between my neck and collarbone. But whereas before it was over like a lightning flash, now it seems to go on and on, until none of my senses are acting like they should. I see oceans of dull red and deep indigo. I smell junkyard rust, thick and undeniable. My fingers feel as though they sparkle.

Fingers, I think through the gasping shock. I am supposed to be doing something with them. Even though my muscles feel like cotton, I manage to lift my arm to my waist, wrap my palm around the handle, and tug it from my waistband. As I’m testing the point with my thumb, Vlad jerks at my shoulder, and I press down hard enough that I know I’ve torn it open, and here when I have no blood to spare. He’s grunting at my neck like a piglet, and even though my mind feels like a balloon that’s escaped its owner, I would like to laugh at him for losing his perpetual air of civility; this is as distracted as he will ever be. Slowly, carefully, I ease the jagged handle between us. I know that I will have one chance, only one chance, and I can’t even check my aim.

The color begins to leech from the sky, and for a second the edges of my vision turn gray. No. No, not yet. Any second now Vlad will be pulling his head back, mouth smeared with blood, and offering me his own, and I will take it because the only other choice will be to die and let him have free reign on the world I’ve left. One upward thrust, I tell myself. One upward thrust and then you can go to sleep. Closing my eyes, I take a ragged breath, picturing all the remaining energy in my body flowing upward, flowing to my arm, flowing to my fingers, flowing through the very wood.

I attack . . . and I feel flesh give. But nothing happens.

I missed, I think, I missed. The only thing left to do is hope that vampires can’t exist without a liver. But then Vlad starts to choke, his fangs digging deeper and deeper with every heave until finally he tears his head back and looks me in the eyes, blood dripping from the corners of his mouth in a grotesque frown. And then everything is gray, gray forever, gray raining down on me, covering me in ash until my eyes burn and my skin itches.

"There," I say to Devon and Ashley, who stand before me, impassive, just before my legs buckle beneath me. Staring up at the dreamy pink sky, I think that I have never felt so weak in my life. Not even after people made me run. Wait, should I be thinking deep thoughts? My lashes flutter closed, and the pumdrum of my heart slows until I feel like eternity can fit between the beats. I start to hear things, a kaleidoscope of familiar voices. My dad. Marcie. Violet. Neville, which surprises me, because while he’s okay and everything, I don’t really think we were ever that close. And then James. James. I think I smile. I want to smile.

The ground expands beneath me, becoming pillowy, soft. It is a featherbed from which I never want to get up, and the further I sink, the less the cold bites my fingers and toes. If rain still falls on my face, I don’t feel it. At this point, I am not sure that I still possess a nose or lips. I am a nude Mr. Potato Head. Don’t get me wrong, it feels nice. It feels gentle, it feels peaceful, it feels . . .


I hear it first, and then feel it eons later, like thunder after a lightning strike. There is a dull buzz in my ears, the cry of an exotic bird on repeat. It crescendos, sets a pattern. Ohfeyohfeyohfeyohfey and then a guttural whir of Godododod. I should have learned more about birds. . . . Then I could tell it to shut up in special bird language so I can sleep.

"Sophie! Sophie! God," a voice says, and I realize that the sound has exploded into my name. "Sophie!"

This last bark is accompanied by the dull prodding of what can only be fingers on my shoulders and cheeks. I wince, and even that tiny movement is painful. I want to feel my cheeks to make sure that they haven’t split at the seams.

The voice calls my name again excitedly. "You need to drink this," it says.


"Because I want you to stay here," the voice insists. "Now drink. Please." The final plea is accompanied by the sensation of something wet being dribbled onto my mouth. Geez, okay, I think, opening my mouth to let in something that feels like syrup. From above me comes a relieved sigh, and then I am drowning in the liquid, drinking it in. I am an old pro at this; when I was little I used to stand beneath rain showers and try to catch as many drops in my mouth as possible, and I do that now, only this is a monsoon and I have lost count. All I know is that with every second I do this, I regain the feeling in my toes, my legs. I feel stronger. I feel like I have a nose again. I feel like I have two noses. Five noses.

When I can feel my eyes again, I open them. James is leaning over me with only one nose. But four eyes – no, wait, two.

Welcome back, James says, his mouth stretched into a grin. You suck at chess.

How did you get here? I ask, the world still spinning a bit.

I came to see you as soon as we got back, and you weren’t home. So we came here and found Violet on the way. She told me about Caroline.

Nice. You know, I don’t think I’m actually moving my lips right now.

You aren’t. It’s a perk of your new condition.

What new condition?

A shadow crosses James’s face. He stands up, escaping my line of sight. I pull myself into a sitting position, feeling as though I could run a marathon. I have never felt as though I could run a marathon . . . and then it hits me.

I look to my right where the rest of the vampires watch the proceedings with solemn faces. Marisabel is hugging herself and looking a bit sick, although that might be because she is staring at the dust that used to be Vlad. And Violet . . . well, Violet is clapping her hands. She runs toward me and throws her arms around my neck, smelling of floral perfume and dirt.

"I am so happy that you are one of us now!" she cries into my shoulder.

"A vampire?" I say. Or ask. My thoughts are whirring so fast that I can no longer tell.

"You are! And we are going to have so much fun!" she crows before releasing me and bobbing back to the group. I look to James, who has crossed his arms and is now staring at the line of trees as though he has just noticed them for the first time.