Everlasting Sin (Page 25)

Everlasting Sin (Everlasting Sin #1)(25)
Author: J.S. Cooper

“Oh.” I dropped my arm.

“It was good talking to you.” She offered me a weak smile.

“Friends again?” I held out my hand, and she looked at it for a second before taking it.

“Okay, friends again.” We shook hands weakly, and I watched her walk back to the front of the bus.

I felt my heart breaking once again. I wasn’t sure how I was going to get through this weekend. And to be completely honest, I wasn’t sure how I was going to get through the rest of my life.


I went for a run in the woods to try and calm myself down. I’d been pissed when I saw Channing and Riley place their sleeping bags next to each other. I’d seen him grinning at me as he put his bag down next to hers, and I’d wanted to punch him hard. He was a jackass, and I knew he was deliberately trying to wind me up.

“Save your energy for the fight,” I whispered to myself as I ran. That’s all I could tell myself.

I couldn’t afford to make a wrong step and not get the opportunity to attend the championships. I needed to win the million dollars. I needed to support Clara’s mom since I knew that was her greatest wish, and I also wanted to give money to Jamilah’s mom. I was worried about her.

I’d seen her right before the fight, and she’d looked stressed. I knew that she was leaving the kids at home while she went to work, but what could I say? I knew she needed the money, and I tried to babysit whenever I could. It broke my heart that Jamilah and Marcus were left alone so many nights, but I didn’t know what I could do without interfering. If I won the million dollars, maybe Jamilah’s mom could look for a new job and get someone to help her watch the kids.

I stopped by a tree trunk, sweat dripping down my face. I felt like I had a world of worries on my shoulders, but all I could think about was Riley. I wondered what she was doing at that very moment. I sighed and sat on the ground as I tried to sort out my thoughts. I stilled as I heard footsteps approaching me.

“Thanks for agreeing to walk with me.” Channing’s voice sounded smarmy, and I frowned.

“No worries,” Riley replied, and I froze. What was she doing with him?

“You’re so pretty.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re single right?”


No, I wanted to shout, she’s not single! She’s mine! But I just remained still and clenched my fists.

“Good, I’m single as well.”

“Oh nice.” Riley’s voice sounded uncertain, and I was annoyed at her. I didn’t know why she wasn’t shutting him down right away.

“We should go on a date when we get back.”

“Okay,” she replied, and it took everything I had to not run out and grab her.

“What do you like to do?”

“To do?”

“On dates?”

“Oh, lots of stuff.”

“Do you like riding?” Channing’s voice was soft, and I felt my blood boiling.

“Riding?” Riley sounded confused.

“Yeah, I love girls that love to ride,” Channing laughed, and I stood up, ready to go and hit him.

“I can’t say I’ve ever been. I’ve never really been around horses,” she replied, and I smiled.

“Do you like dogs?”

“Yeah, why?”

“I love doggie style.”

“Excuse me?” Her voice rose and I could hear the shock in her tone.

“I’m joking,” Channing replied smoothly, and I knew that he was trying to play it smooth.

I wasn’t sure if he really liked her or if he was playing with her to try to get to me, but I knew that there was no way I was going to let him sleep next to her tonight. I knew he would try and pull something. I didn’t trust him at all and I wasn’t going to just wait to see what happened.

I waited until they had walked some more and then I ran back to the camp. Most of the other guys were sitting around drinking beers. I walked over to the bags, quickly grabbed Riley’s sleeping bag, and ran off. I ran deep into the woods and threw it behind some rocks before running back.

“Hudson, want a Bud Light?” Justin called out to me, and I nodded.

“Thanks.” I took it and sat next to him. “Looks like this should be a fun weekend,” I said casually.

“Yeah, it should be cool.” He nodded. “You and Channing going to be okay?”

“Why shouldn’t we be?”

“I don’t know.” He shrugged.

“I have no problem with him,” I lied.

“Oh okay.” Justin chugged some of his beer, and it looked like he was about to say something when Channing and Riley arrived back to the camp. “Hey, guys. You want a beer.”

“Of course.” Channing ran over and grabbed a beer. I watched as Riley followed him slowly and took one.

“Are you sure about that, Riley?” I frowned at her and she blushed.

“Yes.” She opened the tab and took a long gulp.

“Fine.” I shook my head and looked away from her. “So what’s the plan for tonight, guys?”

“I thought I’d have an early night.” Channing grinned at me. “You never can be too prepared.”

“Prepared for what?” Justin asked him.

“People screaming or shouting.” Channing stared at me. “Or scratching and sucking.”

“What?” Justin looked confused, and Channing turned around and laughed. “Nothing.”

Fucking ass**le, was all I could think as I stared at his cocky face.

“I’m going to go and change.” Riley looked at me for a second and then walked over to the bags. “Shit!” she cried out, and I saw her pacing around. I stayed where I was, not wanting her to get suspicious if I jumped up too quickly. “Hey, guys, has anyone seen my sleeping bag?” She walked up to us, her face a deep red. “It’s missing.”

“It can’t be missing.” I frowned.

“Well, it’s no longer there,” she snapped back at me.

“Are you sure?” I asked slowly, giving her a look.

“Yes, I’m sure.” She glared at me, and I bit back a smile.

“Let me see.” I jumped up and walked to the sleeping bags with her. “I don’t see it.”

“That’s what I just said.”

“What are you going to do?”

“What do you mean, what am I going to do?” She glared at me. “I don’t have many choices, do I? I guess I’ll sleep on the ground.”