The Hazards of Sex on the Beach (Page 30)

The Hazards of Sex on the Beach (Hazards #3)(30)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“Is that so?” The officer turned to Kyle and me.

“Technically, I pushed him.” Kyle adjusted his hand over his nose. “Can I go clean this up?”

“Yes, but we need to know, do you want to file a report?”

“No,” Kyle answered quickly.

“Want me to take you to the hospital?” I asked. I didn’t know much about a broken nose, but there was definitely a lot of blood.

Kyle shook his head while still covering his nose. The words came out mumbled. “No. I can handle it.”

“What about you, miss. Is there anything you want to tell us?”

I took one glance at Kyle. I needed to handle him first. “No. Thank you.”

They moved to Aaron next.

“Let’s get you inside and clean you up.” I put a hand on Kyle’s back and led him toward my house.

“To Delta Mu? I’m going into Delta Mu like this?” His words were garbled.

“Uh huh.”

My sisters were ready for him before we got inside. He was met by several sets of hands offering ice, towels, and consolation. My guess was that Kyle almost didn’t mind the bloody nose after an hour of being pampered. My big sister Lacy seemed particularly interested in seeing that Kyle was comfortable.

I felt so incredibly guilty. He was only hurt because of me. I gave a statement to campus police and gave them all my contact info. I wasn’t sure what kind of trouble Aaron was going to be in, but I couldn’t worry about that. He’d hurt my friend. A stray thought of what would have happened if Kyle hadn’t been there went through me. There’s no chance he would have hurt me, was there?

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I wasn’t surprised to see Chase’s message. Hey cowgirl, I wish you were getting ready to lasso me up.

I wish I could laugh at that pathetic joke.

Why can’t you?

Aaron punched my friend and now his nose is probably broken. It’s all my fault.

What? Are you serious? And it’s not your fault. Can I call?

No I feel terrible.

“Are you texting with Chase?” Kyle asked while holding a compress to his nose.


“Ask him if I can get free tickets to his next show for defending his girlfriend’s honor.”

I laughed, before texting him exactly that.

“He says he’ll give you exclusive access Sinister Summer Tour tickets.”

“Nice.” Kyle sighed. “This is embarrassing.”

“Embarrassing?” Lacy asked. “Why? You’re kind of a hero. Aaron’s a tank and you stood up to him to defend Cara.”

He smiled. “Kind of a hero. I’ll take that.”

“Do you live nearby? When you’re ready, I can drive you home.” Lacy handed him a new compress.

I turned away so I could smile. Lacy was a junior. I wondered if Kyle liked older girls.

“I’m only a few blocks from here, but sure. I feel pretty dumb walking around this way.”

“I can drive you.” I decided to give him the out if he wanted it.

“No. Aaron might still be out there with campus police. You shouldn’t have to go near him. Plus, they might want to talk to you more—and you should want to talk to them.”

“I’m really sorry about this.” I touched his shoulder gently. “And to think you thought you were going to owe me.”

“We’re even now.” He gave me a half hug. “But don’t be stupid about this. Aaron’s harassed you twice now. Worry about yourself and not him.”

“I’m worried about you right now.”

“Don’t be. I’m kind of a hero.” His smirk emphasized the sarcasm in his remark.

I laughed. “Make sure Kyle gets home all right, Lacy.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of him.” She winked.

“Not too good of care.” I knew she was just playing around, but she seemed interested in him. I’d have to pump her for info when she got home. Maybe something good could come from Aaron’s jerk move.

“Lacy can take as good care of me as she wants, Cara.”

I laughed again. “All right.”

Less than a minute after Lacy and Kyle left, my roommates arrived.

“Oh my god, are you okay?” Mallory pulled me into a hug. “We came as soon as we heard.” She pulled back so she could look at me.

Juliet put a hand on my arm.

“I’m fine, but Kyle got hit hard.”

“We saw him.” Juliet hugged me next. “I can’t believe Aaron did that.”

“He’s such a jerk.”

“I know. Reed’s with him now trying to sober him up. I guess Kyle has to decide whether he’s pressing charges. Have you decided whether you want to get the police involved more?”

“Why would I be the one to do anything? He didn’t hurt me.”

“He’s threatening you.”

“I just want him to leave me and everyone else alone.”

My phone buzzed again. I assumed it was Chase, but it wasn’t. It was Rachel. I heard what happened. Do you want to stay with us tonight?

Mallory read the message over my shoulder. “We’ll stay at the house with you tonight. Don’t worry.”

“I’m fine. It’s not like Aaron is coming in here.”

“But you have to be shaken up.” Juliet eyed me warily. “I expected you to be hysterical.”

“I’m more numb than anything.” I slumped down on the couch. “I can’t believe how crazy my life’s become.”

I wrote a quick reply back to Rachel. Thanks, but I’m fine. Thanks for checking in on me though.

Ok. Let’s do coffee tomorrow then? Eleven? And Riley wanted me to tell you he can walk you through the restraining order process if you want his help.

“Restraining order?” I showed the phone to my friends. “Riley is Chase’s brother, and he’s a lawyer.”

“Wow. I can’t even imagine.” Mallory sat down next to me. “It’s so dumb because Aaron’s the one who messed up. It’s not like you broke up with him for no reason.”

“He called me a whore. Kyle defended me, and well, you know the rest.”

“You a whore? That asshole.” Juliet balled her hands into fists.

I took a seat on the arm of the couch. “This must be so awkward for Reed.”

“Awkward?” Juliet sat down on the couch next to me. “He’s more angry than you can imagine. Reed doesn’t take this stuff lightly. I wouldn’t want to be in on the conversation I’m sure they’re having tonight.”