The Hazards of Sex on the Beach (Page 55)

The Hazards of Sex on the Beach (Hazards #3)(55)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“My friend dragged me to stop me from moping over Aaron.”

“And it was because of your hurt over Aaron that you did something crazy like hook up with a weird sexy guy like me?”

I laughed. “Pretty much.”

“Did you ever wonder why I did it? Why I was out on that balcony that night?”

“Not really,” I admitted. “I mean, I focused more on why you cared about me afterward.”

“A few weeks before, I found out Ariana was engaged. It killed me. For months after the breakup, I pushed forward with the small hope that we’d get back together, that she’d realize it was all a big mistake. Her engagement destroyed any hope for that.”

“Oh. That would be hard.”

“Hard?” He laughed dryly. “Try impossible. I was up on that balcony avoiding the rest of my band so I could muster the nerve to tell them I was quitting. I was done. I was busy trying to figure out what else to do with my life.”

“What?” I sat up straight. “You were going to quit?”

“We’d just signed with Interline, but I knew I couldn’t uphold my end of the contract. I couldn’t come up with any new material.”

“Wow. I had no idea.” Had I really been so oblivious to his mood?

“But then I met you. You did something to me with the first few words out of your mouth, and there was no turning back. After what happened on the beach—well, the block was gone. I wrote song after song about you and the way you made me feel.”

“That’s crazy.”

“Not crazy, amazing. You weren’t the only one who was broken, babe. We both were. The difference is you put me back together the first night we met. You took more work, but it’s the kind of work I would dedicate my life to.”

I started to cry again, but this time the tears were happy.

“I wish I were there to wipe those tears away for you.” He watched me intently.

“These are the good kind of tears.”

“Still, I should be there.”

“You will be, and I do want to come up to New York to see you eventually.”

“Yeah? That’s good, because it’s not something I’m going to drop. Maybe not this weekend, but another one.”

“I miss you.” I leaned back against my pillows, allowing my body to let off some of the tension that had been mounting all afternoon.

“I miss you too. I miss you every day and every night.”

“Wow, this fight really brought out the sentimental side in you.” What I didn’t add is that it had done the same to me. The only thing I wanted to do at the moment was melt into his arms.

“Fight? Is that what this was?” He ran a hand through his hair. I wanted my fingers there.

“I think so, but it seemed more like a turning point. A fork stuck in the road so to speak.”

“Think we’re taking the right path?”

“We’re staying together, so I can’t imagine we’re doing the wrong thing.”

“I’d kiss you for that comment if you were here.”

“Can’t you blow me a kiss instead?”

He kissed his hand and blew the kiss to me. “Of course.”

“Have a good show tonight.”

“I will. I think I’m going to go write something new.”

“I look forward to hearing it.”

“I think you’re going to like this one.”

“Love you, Chase.”

“Love you, Cara.”

I hung up and set aside the tablet. I was exhausted from the emotional rollercoaster of the day, and I decided to treat myself to a luxury I hadn’t had in years. A nap. I hoped I’d get lucky and have a Chase dream. Considering everything, I figured I deserved it.

Chapter Twenty-Two

I reached for my headphones as I sat on a stool under the large canopy that was saving us from the heat. Our makeshift booth served its purpose, and we’d successfully covered the event while interviewing four of the bigger bands. I was on an adrenaline high and ready to kick back and celebrate with my friends. Pretty much my entire sorority showed up for the event. That had to be a record for a number of sorority girls at a local music showcase.

“We have one more guest.” Kyle’s words had my hands hesitating on the headphones.

I glanced up. “Chase?” In no condition to speak, I watched him standing there in a nearly identical outfit to the one he was wearing when I met him. Mr. Blazer was back.

Jade, realizing I wasn’t going to say anything on air, jumped in. “Wow, do we have a treat for you guys tonight. Chase, lead singer of Chance of a Lifetime, is here in the flesh.”

Kyle quickly reached over to hand Chase a set of headphones. “Nice to have you here, man.”

Chase smiled and sat down on a stool next to me.

Kyle sat in for me on the interview, probably noticing I was too surprised to say much of anything. “In case you’ve been living under a rock and hadn’t heard, Chance of a Lifetime has been making headlines by signing with Interline Records, and climbing the charts with the hit song Sex on the Beach. Congratulations, man.”

“Thanks. It’s been a crazy ride.” Chase gave me a light and almost hesitant smile.

“Can you tell us anything about the inspiration behind the song? You’re known for writing lyrics pulled straight from your experiences. Is this one like that?”

Chase took my hand before continuing. “Yes, Sex on the Beach is inspired by a real experience. It’s about meeting your dream girl, having the best sex of your life and watching her slip away without so much as giving you her last name.”

My chest tightened. I couldn’t imagine my life without Chase anymore.

“Wow, that would be rough. Did you ever find that girl?” Kyle grinned at me. He was definitely enjoying himself.

“Yes, and she’s even better than I could have imagined.”

“Any chance you could play us that song?” Jade asked.

He shook his head. “No.”

“Oh, that’s too bad. Since you guys didn’t perform tonight, I’m sure your fans would have loved an acoustic take on that song.”

“Would you mind if I played something new? Something I’ve never performed before?”

Shock crossed Jade’s face, but she composed herself. “Of course. We’d love that.”

Kyle smiled. “All right guys, it looks like you’re in for a treat. You’ve got it here, the premiere of a new Chance of a Lifetime song.”