The Hazards of Sex on the Beach (Page 43)

The Hazards of Sex on the Beach (Hazards #3)(43)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“But, just to be prepared. AJ is into girls and is very open about it.”

“Oh, cool. A lesbian interview on Sleeping with the Band. Nice.” Kyle grinned.

“Is Ava straight?” I just wanted to make sure I didn’t do something stupid.

“Yes. As is Jimmy.”

I pushed aside my weird feelings over Jimmy. “I think it’s going to be fun—more variety that way.”

“That’s what I thought.” Jade opened and closed her hands repeatedly. She was trying to get pumped up. “I think we’ll get some interesting calls.”

“Let’s hope so.” I set aside my coffee long enough to let Kyle explain to me how the buttons worked again. He’d decided to take on the role of producer, and he wasn’t interested in being on air.

Pearberry showed up right on time, and minutes later, I was welcoming everyone to the show.

“Hey, everyone. It’s Cara and Jade here. Welcome to Sleeping with the Band, the only place where you’ll get live music and all the nitty gritty details on the love lives of your favorite local bands.”

Jade took over from there. “Tonight we have Pearberry with us. Ava, AJ, and their newest member Jimmy, are all live with us in the studio tonight.”

“Hey.” AJ said hello first, followed by the others.

I let Jade do all the musical questions again, although I was starting to feel more confident in that department. Then she gave me the nod, and I knew it was my turn.

“As you all know, this show is about more than just the music, so it’s time to get to know the more personal details about the Pearberrys.” I paused. “AJ, should we start with you?”

“Sure.” She smiled nervously. Maddox had eaten this up, but I knew not everyone would. I had to start slow.

“All right. Your perfect date. Casual coffee or fancy dinner?”

“Definitely casual. It’s so much easier to get know someone that way.”

“I agree. I definitely prefer the casual first date. So, here’s the big question. Anyone special in your life?”

She hesitated for a moment. “Not right now. I broke up with my girlfriend a few months back, so I’ve been going solo for a while.”

“That sucks. I know that feeling. You’ll meet the right girl though.”

“Let’s hope.”

“Any chance you’d tell our listeners what you’re looking for?”

“Sweet, great smile, and willing to put up with my crazy schedule.”

The light started blinking before she could answer. It turns out a lot of our listeners were into the Pearberry front girl with a thing for wearing pigtails.

Ava’s turn was equally as popular, and then it came time to talk to Jimmy.

“So, Jimmy. What’s it like working with two power house girls like your bandmates?”

“It’s fun. I’m glad I get to go along for the ride now.”

“Any girlfriend waiting for you back home at night?” Jade took the lead with him. I was glad she was feeling more comfortable with those questions. Maybe we could switch up for both sets of the questions.

“No. Unfortunately not.”

“Then you know the next question. What are you looking for?” I sipped my latte as I waited for his response.

“Blonde, nice chest, pretends to be outgoing but is actually kinda shy, maybe 5’5, likes to wear tight shirts and dark jeans.” His eyes stared straight into mine as he talked. Could we say creepy? Did he have to use the exact same height I was?

“Okay… great.”

The light started blinking and I answered the first one. “You’re on the air.”

“Hey, Jimmy. I’m Callie. I fit your description. No one realizes how shy I really am.”

“Great.” He barely talked to her. Okay, I needed to hold off on answering calls if he didn’t get the format. “I’m actually really interested in someone else right now.”

“Oh yeah?” I tried to keep things moving. The show was going so well, I wasn’t going to let him ruin it.

“Yeah, but she’s with someone else.”

“That seems to always happen.” Jade took over. “I always seem to fall for the guys with girlfriends. I never act on it, of course—but it’s seriously annoying.”

“Tell me about it.” Ava joined in. “It’s worse when the guy pretends he’s single until you’re completely hooked and then the bomb drops.”

“This girl was upfront. I still want her though.” His eyes were back on me, and I had a feeling I knew the girl he was talking about. Ugh.

I wasn’t going to let him make it any more awkward. “Why not try to find someone else? If she’s unavailable, you’re just wasting your time. Should we take another caller?”

“I’m young. I have plenty of time to waste.”

I shot a look to Kyle. This seemed like something he could fix.

He mouthed, “Music.” Oh yeah, perfect.

“All right. Let’s hear some Pearberry unplugged.”

The band got going, and I tried to ignore the way Jimmy watched me as he played his tambourine. I started to laugh. I couldn’t help it. I tried to stifle it, but I couldn’t. I caught Jade’s eye and she laughed too.

Kyle threw us a dirty look, so we did our best to stop. Luckily, we’d composed ourselves by the end of the performance.

Jade nodded for me to continue. “Thanks for hanging out with us tonight. We loved having you.”

“We loved being here.” AJ smiled. “And anyone who wants to hear more, check us out online to listen to our debut EP.”

“You can also check them out on the station website as well. And don’t forget they’re opening for Real Bay on Wednesday night at the Draft. Hope to see some of you there. For now, here’s some Airbus.” Jade put on a song and turned off her mic. I did the same.

“That was a lot of fun.” Ava hopped off her stool. “Such a fun way of interviewing a group.”

“It seemed to go over well with Maddox, so we decided to make it a thing.” I was giddy. Despite Jimmy’s weirdness, it had been a seriously fun time again.

Chapter Eighteen

I’d never wished time away more in my entire life. The road trip visit had helped, but I was ready to see him again—especially considering my period was long gone. Chase was getting in to Savannah on Saturday afternoon, and I could barely wait. By Friday night, I was counting down the hours, so I was thrilled when my roommates decided we needed a girl’s night out.