When Darkness Comes (Page 44)

When Darkness Comes (Guardians of Eternity #1)(44)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

She bit her lip, glancing toward the door. "Can I trust them?"

His smile was without humor. "No, but they fear Viper and are not foolish enough to risk his wrath. They won’t trouble you without invitation."

"Invitation?" She blinked in disbelief. "You think I’ll invite them to… to… ?"

He gave a lift of his shoulder. "Few women can resist them. They have lured some of the most powerful and beautiful women to their bed. Cleopatra. The Queen of Sheba. It’s rumored they’ve even seduced more than a few presidents’ wives."

"Oh my God." Abby widened her gaze. "Which ones?"

"Does it matter?"

The edge in his voice warned Abby that now was not the time to press for juicy gossip.

"Only in a historical context."

A reluctant smile curved Dante’s lips as he pulled her close. "Abby."

Her hand lifted to trace a light pattern upon his chest. "I’d be lying if I said they weren’t gorgeous, but I don’t want any vampire but you."

"Good." His lips nuzzled her temple. "It’s not really good etiquette to dust a fellow vampire before dinner. Besides, Viper tends to get a bit cranky when he loses his goons."

She heaved a rueful sigh. "Speaking of Viper, I suppose you should go see what he wants."

He ran his tongue along the line of her jaw. "I’ll be back as soon as I can."

A delicious shiver raced down her spine, but Abby refused to be entirely distracted. Grasping the front of his shirt, she pulled back to regard him with a warning frown.

‘You’re not going to try and sneak out behind my back?"

He arched a raven brow. "Would it do any good?"

"Absolutely not"

He sighed. "Don’t worry, lover, as much as I hate to admit it, I can only search for what Selena might have left lying for anyone to find. To discover her secrets, I will need you."

"What do you mean?"

"I will explain later." He placed a branding kiss on her lips before moving toward the door. "Oh, you might want to wait until I return before you have your dinner." He flashed a dry smile over his shoulder. "The last time you sampled the herbs, they had a rather… potent effect on you. I wouldn’t want your watchdogs to get the wrong idea."

He was gone before Abby could find something suitably heavy to toss at his head.

Damn vampire speed.

As he drove through the dark streets of Chicago, Dante found himself as twitchy as if he were standing in the midst of a lightning storm. An unfamiliar sensation and one that he found impossible to dismiss.

Bloody hell, what was the matter with him?

As promised, Viper had gathered a large canvas bag filled with a variety of mystical weapons. He had even given Dante a cell phone that was programmed with the numbers of various vampires and demons he could contact in case of an emergency.

Along with his supernatural powers, there were few things mortal or immortal that could hope to best him.

He was near invincible.

But near invincible was not good enough, he conceded, glancing to where Abby sat in the seat beside him.

There were too damn many creatures who wanted this woman dead.

One mistake, one miscalculation and…

His jaw tightened in grim determination.


There would be no mistakes. No miscalculations.

Unaware of his brooding thoughts or just how easily she had managed to rattle his nerves, Abby poked at the heavy bag that Dante had placed in her lap.

"You haven’t told me what’s in the bag," she broke the silence.


With a curious lift of her brows, she pulled open the heavy zipper and gave a choked cough.

"Good God, are you sure Viper didn’t make a mistake?"

"It would be refreshing to think Viper could occasionally make a mistake, but unfortunately it never happens. Why?"

"There’s nothing in here but junk."

Dante hid his amusement. "Rare and priceless junk, I assure you."

Shaking her head at the amulets, talismans, and charms, she plucked out a delicate dagger with a serpentine blade that glowed with mystic symbols etched on the layered metal.

"What’s this?"

Dante instinctively shuddered. "A keris."

"A what?"

"It’s a blessed dagger from Bali."

"What does it do?"

He flashed a wry smile. ‘You use the pointy end to stab people."

She rolled her eyes. "Ha-ha."

"It possesses protection spells. Viper believes it will be effective against whatever evil the dark wizard might conjure."

"Oh." She held the weapon toward him. "Shouldn’t you be carrying it?"

Dante flinched from the power of the blade. "Careful, lover, it works against me as well as other nasties, so you might not want to wave it in my direction."

"Oh, sorry." With a hurried motion, she dropped it back into the bag. "Why would Viper have a weapon that kills vampires?"

Dante shrugged as he turned the car toward the exclusive neighborhood that had once been his home.

"Better in his hands than in the hands of his enemies."

"Surely it would be better to have it destroyed completely?" she pointed out with indisputable logic.

"Viper is too fanatic a collector to ever destroy such a priceless artifact." He flashed her a swift glance. "Besides, you never know when you might need such a weapon."

Her eyes widened. ‘You mean…"

"Battles between vampires are rare but not unheard of."


Dante returned his attention to the road. "Indeed."

She fell silent as he pushed the remote keypad he held in his ringers and turned through the familiar iron gates. Slowly he drove up the long, tree-lined drive that eventually wound its way to Selena’s secluded mansion.

Dante didn’t need to see Abby’s suddenly clenched fists or the tightening of her expression to sense her swelling tension.

This was where her life had been forever altered.

She hadn’t forgotten.

Pulling the car to a halt and switching off the engine, he turned to study her fragile profile with a frown of concern.


"It’s a lot worse than I realized," she muttered, her gaze absorbing the broken windows and roof that had been half blown away.

Dante knew he would eventually have to deal with the estate, but he was in no hurry. The wards that Selena had placed about the house would keep out anyone not invited. Including the most desperate thieves.

He lightly touched her shoulder. "Do you want to remain in the car?"