When Darkness Comes (Page 71)

When Darkness Comes (Guardians of Eternity #1)(71)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

Until he could reach the basement, it would be up to her to keep Edra from using the Phoenix to perform her demented spell.


Slowly absorbing the pounding pain that seized her head, Abby wrenched open her eyes to discover she was strapped onto the slab of marble.

Somehow she wasn’t a bit surprised.

How sick was that?

She bit back a groan and then like any fool who ever found themselves tied up, she instinctively struggled against the leather straps that held her down.

It was a futile effort, of course. The straps were not overly tight, but they would hold her. Still, her movement had brushed her arm against her waist and reminded her of the dagger that was in its sheath. Her shirt had managed to hide the weapon, and thankfully the witch hadn’t thought to check her.

Now if she could get her arms free to use it.

Covertly she scooted to one side. As she expected, the strap bit into her left arm, but it eased the pressure on the other. On the point of discovering if she could wiggle her arm free, she was halted as a shadow fell over the table.

"Ah, so you have awakened." Edra smiled with cold pleasure.

Forcing herself to hold perfectly still, Abby glared into the lizard eyes.

‘You must stop this," she gritted.

"It is too late. The spell will soon be cast."

The witch stepped closer, holding what looked to be a silver goblet. Abby shrank against the cold marble. She didn’t know what was in the strange goblet, but she was fairly certain she didn’t want to find out.

At her movement, the candles flickered and her attention was captured by an unmoving lump in the middle of the floor.

Her heart halted as she blinked, and then blinked again.

It wasn’t a lump. It was the body of a woman with short black hair and the sort of Goth make-up that made it impossible to determine anything more than that she was female and young.

And very, very dead.

Lying on the hard floor, her eyes were wide as if caught in eternal surprise and her mouth open. Most horrid of all was the ugly gash that marred her throat and allowed her thick blood to pool onto the dirt below her chin.

Abby gasped as she struggled against the rising nausea.

"Holy hell. Did you kill her?" she croaked.

"Such powerful magic demands blood."

Abby reluctantly turned back to the woman poised above her.

"You’re crazy. You’re stark raving mad."

A flare of color stained her pasty cheeks. ‘You will shut your mouth. You know nothing of the sacrifices I have endured," she hissed. "For three centuries I have devoted my life for this moment. While Selena pampered and preened and surrounded herself with luxury, I hid in the shadows and protected her. I faced the evil and kept it at bay. I looked into the heart of darkness to prepare myself to bring an end to those who would destroy the Phoenix. It is I who will save the world."

Abby shifted even farther to the side, further loosening her arm. She had to get free. There would be no reasoning with the lunatic. Whatever sanity she may once have possessed was long gone.

"And so you deserve to slice open the throat of some innocent young girl?" she demanded, determined to keep the woman too angry to notice her odd wiggles.

"Her death will serve a higher purpose." There was not a flicker of remorse. "It is a fate we should all aspire to."

"I noticed you didn’t offer yourself up as the sacrifice."

The goblet trembled in Edra’s hands. "Shut up, you filthy bitch. You have defiled yourself with a vampire. You are not worthy to be the Chalice."

"Tough luck. I’m all you got."

"I will soon enough teach you some respect, just as I taught Selena."

Wiggle, wiggle.

"Better bullies than you have tried."

Just for a moment, Abby thought she might have pushed the witch over the edge. The fevered glitter in her eyes was darkened to sheer fury, and her lips curled back into a snarl.

The temptation to say "the hell with saving the world and punish the bitch as she deserves" held Edra in its grip before she gave a shiver and pulled back from utter lunacy.

"No. You won’t distract me. Not now."

She reached her hand into the pocket of her robe and pulled out a small metal object. Abby frowned. After all the horrid things she had endured over the past few days, she had half-expected the witch to pull out a knife or snake or at least a magic rabbit.

The small amulet seemed astonishingly harmless.

At least until it was laid on the middle of her chest.

At first there was nothing. Just a cold sensation that ran over her skin. Then, just when she began to hope that the piece of iron was a dud, the smell of smoke began to fill the air.

Abby screamed as the amulet easily burned through the light fabric of her shirt and hit her skin.

The metal was branding itself into her skin, and there was no guarantee it would halt before it managed to sear its way to her heart.

"What are you doing?" she panted, struggling to free the dagger from its sheath. She no longer cared if the witch realized what she was doing or not. If she didn’t get free, the spell would be cast or she would be dead.

Neither of which were acceptable alternatives.

Thankfully Edra closed her eyes as she held the goblet directly over the amulet.

"The amulet will help me to draw upon the power of the Phoenix," she muttered.

"Stop, it’s burning me."

The woman began to chant beneath her breath, and within the pain blazing through her body, Abby could sense the stirring of the spirit within her.

With a grim effort, she managed to slide the dagger free but her arm remained trapped by the straps.

Dear God, she wasn’t going to be in time.

Sucking in a deep breath, she screamed for all she was worth.


Already on the stairs, Dante moved with blurring speed to stand in the center of the cellar.

His hands clenched as he discovered Abby tied to the marble table with the witch hovering beside her. Even from a distance he could make out the stench of charred flesh.


"Dante, she’s doing the spell."

"The beast." Edra’s eyes snapped open to pin Dante with a feverish glare. "I should have known you wouldn’t die so easily. Well, never fear. I won’t be so careless this time."

"Halt," Dante growled as he felt Viper and the Shalott at his back.

"We can’t let her complete the ritual," Viper said in icy tones.

‘There is a barrier."

Viper cursed in an ancient language. "I hate magic." He turned his head to the Shalott. "What of you? Can you breach the spell?"