When Darkness Comes (Page 72)

When Darkness Comes (Guardians of Eternity #1)(72)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

The demon shook her head. "No."

Dante’s teeth snapped together. He wanted to howl in frustration. Or kill someone.

To be so close and not able to reach Abby was unbearable.

Pacing the barrier, he growled low in his throat. The circle had been completed. It was closed until the witch had finished her spell.

He had never felt so helpless in his life.

And he bloody well didn’t like it.

Continuing to follow the line of the circle, Dante searched for any means to distract the witch. If he could make her falter for even a moment, the barrier would be broken. She could never raise it before he and Viper were upon her.

Easier said than done, however. There was nothing in the cellar that offered any help.

Refusing to give up, he moved until he was standing directly behind the witch. There was a soft moan from Abby, and his gaze instinctively moved to where she was stretched on the slab.

For a moment he could see nothing through his red haze of fury. He had to get to her. Now.

Then his attention was captured by the glint of candlelight off the dagger in her hand. He stilled as he realized she was using the keris to cut through the leather strap.

His gaze locked with her own as he silently willed her to hurry. Already Edra was tilting the goblet to pour the blood on the amulet. She was completing the ritual that would allow her to bend the power of the Phoenix to her will.

If the spell was spoken, he wouldn’t be able to rescue Abby.

Or himself.

He darted a sideways glance to make sure that Viper had noticed Abby’s attempt to escape. The older vampire gave a slight nod of his head.

They moved together, ready to strike the moment the barrier was destroyed. The Shalott chose a spot directly in front of the witch. A demon with battle tactics.

Go figure.

Impervious to all but the spell she was casting, Edra held the goblet over her head and then slowly she lowered it to pour a measure of the thick blood directly onto the amulet.

Dante froze.

The spell was beginning.

He might very well be dead before Abby ever got herself loose.

The blood hit the amulet and sizzled against the searing heat. A strange humming filled Dante’s ears, and he pounded his fists futilely against the barrier.

"Abby," he rasped.

As if sensing his rising panic, Abby gritted her teeth and sliced through the last bit of leather. The amulet on her chest seemed to flare as she knocked the smoldering iron off her skin and struggled to sit up.

From behind, Dante watched as Edra froze in shock.

In her arrogance, she thought that nothing could halt her glorious bid for power. Certainly not a mere slip of a woman with no ability to wield magic and no claim to the darker arts.

She hadn’t counted on Abby’s stubborn determination.

Something he had learned never to underestimate.

Ignoring the obvious pain wracking her body, Abby managed to lift herself upward, using her momentum to slash out with the keris. Belatedly sensing her danger, the witch leaped backward, avoiding a killing strike.

Thankfully the dagger managed to nick her upper arm, sending the goblet crashing to the floor.

More importantly, with her concentration destroyed, the barrier vanished into mist.

With a roar, Viper was across the floor and pinning the witch to the floor. Dante was at Abby’s side, wrenching off the remaining straps and reaching to collect her in his arms.

"No." Holding out warning hands, Abby swung off the table and struggled to maintain her balance. "Don’t touch me."

Dante slowly circled to face her, his brows pulled together. "Abby, what’s wrong?"

She wrapped her hands about her waist. "I’m burning up."

Dante gave a slow nod. Even at a distance he could feel the heat rolling from her body

The Phoenix?"

"Yes." She turned toward the witch on the floor. ‘The spell has begun."

"Viper, kill her," Dante rasped.

"My pleasure."

Lowering his head to sink his fangs into the witch’s neck, Viper gave a low grunt and then astonishingly was flying backward as Edra struggled to sit up. In her hand was the amulet.

"Shit." Dante was moving even as Edra lifted her hand to strike at Viper once again.

As fast as he moved, however, the blast of power was faster. He cursed as he realized that he would never arrive in time. Then, without warning, the Shalott was leaping onto Viper, taking the blow in her back and slumping over the startled vampire.

Dante whirled back to glare at the witch who was uneasily forcing herself to her feet.

"You can’t harm me," she panted, perhaps more to reassure herself than to remind Dante of his impotency.

"Not yet, but soon I’ll see you in hell."

She gave a wild laugh. "The spell has begun. No one can stop it now."

He rapidly turned his attention to Abby to discover her on her knees. She was moaning as she rocked back and forth.

"God… Abby."

"She can’t hear you. The Phoenix has taken control, and soon the Goddess will release the power that I have called forth." The wild laugh came again. "She’s about to kill you, vampire."

"No!" With a scream, Abby rose to her feet.

Dante stumbled back as the force of her presence abruptly flared through the room.

He could barely recognize his mate.

In the candlelight, her pale skin glowed with a strange luminescence, and the blue eyes had turned to a brilliant crimson, as if flames were lit behind them. Even her hair seemed to float on some unseen breeze as she lifted her arms wide and began to walk toward the witch.

"Beloved Goddess," the witch breathed as she sank slowly to her knees.

Dante tried to step forward only to cry out as a wave of heat slammed him to the ground. The very air was sizzling around Abby, making it impossible to reach her.

Bloody hell, she was going to burn the house down around them.

After she managed to kill every demon.

Starting with him.

Battling back the blackness that was threatening to overwhelm him, Dante forced himself to his knees.

"Abby, you must stop—" he rasped.

"No." Abby never took her attention off the kneeling witch. "This must end now."

Shit. He couldn’t move. Couldn’t do a damn thing.


Reaching the older woman, Abby held out her hand. "Rise."

Ifes." Awkwardly the witch managed to stand, an expression of adulation on her face. "I have waited so long to bathe in your glory. To see the full wonder of your powers."

‘You shall know my powers to the fullest, Edra."

The words came out of Abby’s mouth, but the voice didn’t belong to her. She had been completely consumed by the spirit within her.