Bad Romeo (Page 76)

Bad Romeo (Starcrossed #1)(76)
Author: Leisa Rayven

Lucas looks at me in genuine shock. “That’s impossible. How did this happen? Have you been dating blind men?”

I put my hands on my hips. “Would you stop treating me like I have a rare and incurable disease? I’m not a leper, for God’s sake.”

“No, of course not,” Jack says sympathetically as he walks over to rub my shoulders. “But, Taylor, really … what the hell are you waiting for? Are you one of those chicks who’s saving it for marriage? Because let me tell you, my mom did that and it was a bad move. Apparently, my dad is a lousy lay. That’s why I’m an only child. I’m pretty sure they’ve only ever done it that one time.”

I blush. “I’m not saving it, okay?”

“Then why are you still a virgin?” Zoe asks.

“Because…” I don’t want to look at Holt, but I can’t stop myself. “I just haven’t found a guy yet who wants to sleep with me, I guess.”

At that statement, he loses all interest in his shoes and looks straight at me, frowning and intense.

“Okay, now I’m going to have to call bullshit,” Jack says with a laugh. “Because I know for a fact that there are at least half a dozen guys at The Grove who would give their right ball to bang you, me included.”

Lightning fast, Holt punches him in the arm.

“Ow, dude!” Jack rubs his arm and scowls at Holt. “What the fuck was that for?”

“Just have some fucking respect, would you?”

“Settle the fuck down. I have respect. It was a compliment. Plus, I want her to know she has options.”

Holt looks like his head’s about to explode. “Banging you is not an option, you fucking Neanderthal. It’d be cruel and unusual punishment.”

Jack throws up his hands. “Why the hell does everyone keep dissing my sexual prowess? I happen to be a very sensitive and thorough lover.” He looks back at me and whispers, “Am I selling this at all? ’Cause if you wanted to ditch media class this afternoon so I could relieve you of your virginal burden, I’d be more than willing. I’m just saying…”

Everyone laughs except Holt, who hisses something under his breath and looks like he’s going to punch Jack again.

I subtly move between him and Jack. “Thanks for the offer, but I’ll pass.”

Jack shrugs. “Well, okay then, but I’m always here if you need me. Twenty-four hour deflowering services available on request. Condoms provided free of charge.”

I sneak a glance at Holt, and judging by the look on his face, he’s imagining all the ways he could murder Jack and hide the evidence.

“Actually,” I say. “I’m kind of seeing someone, and I’m hoping he might be the one to do it.”

Whoa. Didn’t really mean to say that.

Or did I?

Okay, what I’m doing here will either be completely brilliant or unfathomably stupid. Please, God, let it be brilliant.

Holt’s watching me with a wary expression.

“Wait, what?” Zoe says. “You’re seeing someone? Who? For how long? What’s he look like? Holt, did you know about this?”

Holt’s eyes fill with panic for a second before they set into a steely glare. “Yeah, she may have mentioned something about a guy. He sounds like a dick to me, but apparently she likes him. I’m surprised she’s telling you all about him, though. I thought she was going to keep him a secret.”

“Well,” I say, “I don’t really see why I shouldn’t talk about him. I mean, I like him. And I don’t think he’s a dick. He’s just … complicated.”

Holt blinks several times, and his expression softens. “I guess he’s lucky you see it like that.”

“Well, come on then,” Lucas says. “Tell us, who’s the lucky guy?”

Zoe takes a step forward, her eyes bright and glassy. “Yeah, do we know him?”

Okay, brain, I know you’re high, but help me out here. Come up with something plausible.

“I met him while we were doing Romeo and Juliet.”

Okay, good. Not exactly a lie but vague enough to throw them off. Good job, stoned brain.

Everyone exchanges a look, and Zoe says, “Ah, a fan, huh? He saw you onstage and just had to have you?”

I nod. “Uh … yeah … something like that.”

“So, tell us more,” Holt says, and crosses his arms over his chest. “You told me the other day that you think he’s hot. How hot? Be specific.”

A fierce blush lights up my face, because he knows exactly how hot I think he is.

“Jeez, Taylor, check out your face!” Jack laughs. “This mystery guy must know how to press all of your buttons. You’re as red as a baboon’s ass. And yet, he won’t have sex with you?”

I take a breath and shake my head.

Jack scoffs. “What a fucking idiot.”

“Maybe he has his reasons,” Holt says quietly.

“Are you kidding me?” Jack says in disbelief. “You’ve kissed Taylor, dude. You know how hot she is. What sort of moron turns that down?” He turns to me and whispers, “Oh, wait. Is he … you know … challenged? Or one of those creepy religious guys? Ooh, or does he have erectile dysfunction issues? Can’t get it up?”

“He doesn’t have any fucking erection issues,” Holt says emphatically. “And he isn’t challenged, for God’s sake.”

Everyone looks at him.

He shrugs. “I’m guessing that Taylor wouldn’t go out with someone who was defective, right?”

“Well, I don’t know,” I say. “There’s must be something wrong with him. Like Jack said, what sort of moron turns this down?”

I shimmy and do my sexy face, and everyone laughs except Holt. He just stares at me, unblinking, and I can’t figure out whether he’s angry or aroused.

It’s kind of disturbing how similar those expressions are on him.

“I once went out with a guy who wouldn’t fuck me,” Zoe says as we start walking again. “He said he didn’t want me to think that sex was all he wanted from me, and that he thought I was special. That we really could have something.”

I smile at her. “He sounds sweet. What happened?”

She shrugs. “I dumped his ass. I mean, I have needs, right? If he’s not going to give it to me, then I’m going to get it somewhere else.”

Holt makes a derogatory noise but doesn’t say anything.