Bad Romeo (Page 90)

Bad Romeo (Starcrossed #1)(90)
Author: Leisa Rayven

He cups my breasts, and caresses them through my sweater. “Don’t mock me.”

“Then don’t stay stupid things like ‘We should really stop.’”

“You have a point. I didn’t declare us as a couple in front of everyone so that you could continue not touching my dick, that’s for sure.”

“On it.” My breathing is loud as I palm him through his jeans.

He puts his hand on the wall behind me and hangs his head. “Sweet Jesus.”

I squeeze him through the fabric, and he drops his head lower until his forehead is resting on mine.

“At the risk of being mocked again,” he says breathlessly as he pulls back, “you really need to stop doing that. We kind of have to get on the road if we’re going to make it to Mom and Dad’s for dinner.”

With reluctance, I remove my hand. He steps back and sighs. “Just give me a minute. Jack probably has a bet going that I’ll be walking out of here with a hard-on.”

“Maybe I should go put some money down. I could win big.”

“Especially if you continue to stand there in that nonexistent skirt.”

“You like this?”

“If I said no, would you take it off?”

“Only one way to find out.”

He explores under my skirt, long fingers grazing my thigh.

“Ethan,” I say breathlessly. “If you go there, we’re absolutely not getting out of here any time soon. You know that, right?”

“I know. I just have a very hot girlfriend, and when my hands are on her, I get carried away.”

All the breath leaves my lungs. “You’re admitting I’m your girlfriend? Finally?”

When he answers, his voice is soft. “Yes, Cassie. You’re my girlfriend.”

My stomach flips.

I don’t think I’m going to get tired of him saying that word any time in the near future.

Although he’s smiling, I also see a little panic in his eyes.

“Just saying it is freaking you out, isn’t it?”

“A little.”

“Do you think you can get used to it?”

He strokes my neck and thinks for a second. “I hope so. I want to.”

My cheap-wallpaper grin is back. “Me too.”

He smiles, and I wrap my arms around him. “Was this what you were afraid of? Because even though I really don’t have much experience with this sort of thing … I think it’s going well so far.”

His smile fades. “Taylor, I have to warn you once again that I suck at relationships. I’ve made that clear, right?”

I stand on my toes to kiss him. “We’ll be fine. Stop thinking so much.”

He nods and sighs, and for a moment, he’s completely open.

Like that, he’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.



New York City
The Holt Residence

From where we’re standing on the pavement, the Holt brownstone looks huge and imposing. I shudder.

Okay, Cassie, be cool. You’ll be fine.

When I look at Holt, I notice he seems nervous, too.

I take a deep breath. “So, what’s the plan?”

He frowns. “The plan?”

“How do we behave in front of your parents? Are we hiding that we’re together?”

“Do you want to?”


“Then we won’t.”

He says it with conviction, but I don’t miss the flash of panic.

“So, what? We’re going to tell them we’re boyfriend and girlfriend?”

He hesitates for just a second. “Uh … yes.”

I’m still not convinced. “So, you’re my boyfriend, Ethan, bringing home his girlfriend, Cassie, to meet his parents?”

“Yes.” Less hesitation that time, but it’s still there.

“Just a normal boyfriend and girlfriend, spending time with your folks and doing normal boyfriend and girlfriend things. All boyfriendy and girlfriendy—”

“Okay, stop saying ‘boyfriend and girlfriend.’ It’s annoying.”

“I’ll stop if you say it.”


“So I know you can.”

“I said it at Jack’s.”

“That was ages ago. Say it again.”

He rolls his eyes. “You’re my girlfriend, okay? My very hot, very irritating girlfriend.”

“Aw, boyfriend, that’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me, your girlfriend.”

He shakes his head and tries not to laugh. “Will you stop now?”

“Of course.” I wait a second before asking, “Can I call you ‘sweetie’?”





“Fuck, no.”

“Okay, fine. Just so we’re both on the same page.”

He laughs, and I join him, but I’m so faking it. At least laughing helps me pretend I’m not terrified.

“But listen,” he says and takes my hand. “Let me tell mom and dad when the time is right, okay? A few days ago, I swore up and down to my mother that you weren’t my girlfriend, and I said the same thing when I told her you were coming to stay. I don’t want to just walk in there and blurt it out, or I’ll look like a jackass. Just give me some time, okay?”

I want to argue that he’s hiding how he feels about me again, but after what he did at the party, I know that’s not what this is about.

I look up at the door again, and my nervousness expands. I’ve never met a boyfriend’s parents before. Heck, I’ve never had a boyfriend before, let alone parents to meet. I mean, yes, I’d met them before, but I wasn’t his girlfriend then.

Holt must notice my tension, because he leans down and kisses me, tender and lingering. When he pulls back, I feel a little better.

“Cassie, you’re going to be fine. Stop freaking out.”

“What if they hate me?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. They’ve already met you, and I can confidently say my dad prefers you to me. I’m the one who should be nervous here. If Mom gets drunk, she’s likely to pull out the family photo album and show you naked pictures of her boy.”

I stifle a laugh. “Would they be recent pictures? Because … hmmm. I’d like to see those.”

He shakes his head, goes to the trunk, and removes our bags. “Yes, my mother has a full set of pictures of her grown son, naked. That’s totally normal.”