Renegade (Page 18)

Braith’s body remained ramrod straight. Fury radiated from him, shaking the arm that was slammed into the wall. Aria knew that it was more than just Jack being here that was shaking him, but also the fact that their time together was over. They both knew Jack was here to take her back, and there was nothing that either of them could do to stop it. She had to go back to her world, just as Braith had to return to his. Neither of them could hide away forever, it was impossible.

“That’s none of your business,” Braith growled.

Jack’s eyes flashed with anger. “It is my business. She’s a young girl, you have no right…”

“I’m not a child!” Aria interrupted sharply. “And you are not my father, or my brother, Jack.”

Jack’s eyes were hard as he stared at her. “No, your father and brothers would have come in here looking to kill; they would have been disgusted to find you like this.” Aria recoiled from his harsh words, her mouth parted, she felt as if she had been slapped by him.

“Don’t,” Braith snarled, his hand clenching on the ruined doorframe. “Don’t talk to her like that.”

“You have no idea what you have gotten yourself messed up with here Aria,” Jack continued as if Braith had never spoken. “And yes, you are a child. Especially when compared to us. You are a small blink in our lifespan Aria. You should know better Braith, I thought better of you than to do this with a young girl, a human girl no less! What the hell are you doing!?”

Braith bristled at the reprimand, the muscles in his back rippled. “Like I said before, that’s none of your business.”

Jack’s eyes widened slightly, he shook his head. “How did you even find her? What are you even doing outside of the palace?” Neither Braith nor Aria answered him. Jack glanced rapidly between them, then his shoulders slumped slightly and his gaze landed upon Aria. “You lied to me.”

Aria shook her head. “I didn’t lie to you.”

“Then what the hell do you call it!?” he exploded. “I asked if he had shared his blood with you! You told me no!”

“I’m not going to tell you again to watch how you talk to her!” Braith warned.

Aria reached out to him, grasping hold of his arm as she sensed his rapidly unraveling control, he was nearing a volatile snapping point. She didn’t want them fighting, not only were they brothers but she had a feeling that they would destroy this house, and each other, if they did. And the last thing she wanted was for either of them to be hurt.

“It’s ok Braith.” He relaxed slightly, but a tremor remained in his muscles, and she was not fooled into thinking that he wouldn’t attack at a moment’s notice. “I didn’t remember Jack; I thought it was a dream. I didn’t lie to you on purpose, it was…” She didn’t know what it was, she couldn’t explain it. “I’m sorry Jack.”

“Don’t apologize to him,” Braith told her.

“You put us all in danger,” Jack scolded.

Aria bit on her bottom lip, her fingers wrapped tighter around Braith’s arm. She stepped closer to him, needing his touch to soothe her raw nerves. He glanced back at her, his eyes softening as he took her in. She stared up at him for a moment, trying hard to calm her racing heart. He finally released his hold on the wall, pulling her tighter against him, but also moving her slightly behind him. Jack watched them silently, his eyes narrowed as he studied them.

Aria rested her forehead against Braith’s chest as she took a deep breath, trying to calm her raw, savaged nerves. Braith wrapped his hand around the back of her head, holding her tight to him for a long moment. He bent his head to hers. “Why don’t you go get dressed Arianna,” he whispered in her ear.

She shook her head, her gaze darting back toward Jack. “No, I’m not leaving you.”

“It will be ok,” he assured her. “I’d much prefer you in clothes though, ok?”

She wanted to put clothes on, she felt slightly vulnerable at the moment, but the last thing she was going to do was leave the two of them alone together. “No Braith.”

He sighed impatiently, his eyes narrowed as he studied her. She could sense his frustration with her, but she was not leaving here if there was a chance that they were going to hurt each other. “Go Aria,” Jack told her.

She shot him a fierce look. “Jack, we may be friends, but you need to stop treating me like a child.” Jack’s eyebrows lifted in surprise. “Both of you,” she added, turning her attention back to Braith. “I’m not as old as you, but I’ve seen and experienced a lot. So no, I am not leaving here until I am certain that you will not kill each other.”

Braith’s jaw clenched tight in annoyance, Jack’s mouth quirked in sardonic amusement. “Well apparently she disobeys everyone, even the mighty future king,” Jack drawled. Braith shot him a fierce look. “Are you going to be his queen Aria? Oh but you could never be the queen there’s already somebody set up to produce heirs for him. Will you be the mistress then, the kept woman?”

Hurt speared through her, she shrank from the sharp reminder that she could not be his queen; that she never would be. There was already another woman in line for that. Her fingers dug tighter into Braith, she struggled to breathe through the pain constricting her chest. “That’s enough!” Braith snarled. “You say one more word and I’ll rip your throat out myself Jericho, do you understand me!?”

“One more word of the truth?” Jack demanded.

Aria clung to Braith as he tried to pull away, tried to lunge at his brother. “Stop Braith, please. Just stop, both of you, stop!” Braith tried to shake her free, but she somehow managed to insert herself in between the two of them. “Stop!”

Aria was breathing heavy, terrified that she was about to witness two brothers kill each other. She didn’t realize that the sleeve of her robe had fallen down, exposing her shoulder, until Braith grabbed hold of her, pulling her back as he yanked the sleeve up to cover her skin and the dark mark upon it. It was too late though, Jack had not missed the fresh wounds upon her body. He stared at her covered shoulder for a moment longer, before finally lifting his startled gaze to hers.

“I told you, I am here willingly,” Aria said softly, defiantly.

Chapter 6

Braith held the robe tight around her, surprised to realize that she was not wearing anything underneath. He had at least expected the thin nightgown he had set out for her, but perhaps she had not noticed it, or she had simply chosen not to put it on. Either way, she was not wearing clothes. He didn’t know if he was more excited by this prospect, or infuriated by it. Though, if his brother hadn’t been standing there, Braith knew what the answer to that question would have been.