The Billionaire’s Favorite Mistake (Page 55)
The soft smile curved her mouth again. “I keep forgetting that your stamina is terrible.”
Well, hearing that helped him come down from the ledge a little. Jesus. Time to stop playing and get to work pleasuring the fuck out of his woman. He shucked his pants and stepped out of them, then moved forward and pulled her against his naked frame. “I promised you foreplay, didn’t I? Get your fore ready to be played, woman.”
Chapter 10
Greer was rapidly having to reassess Asher’s sexual prowess as he pressed kisses to her neck and moved their twined bodies, ever so slowly, toward the bed.
He’d been playing her all along. It was clear that the man wasn’t unskilled in the slightest. It was also abundantly clear to her that she wasn’t mad about his little game. It had been done to get her back in his bed and prove to her that he could give her great sex, and okay, there wasn’t really a downside to that.
Actually, it wasn’t just great sex. It was mind-blowing so far, and he was just now mentioning foreplay. Heaven help her; they’d have to scrape her off the ceiling by the time he was done.
She’d already orgasmed fast and hard, and that one single orgasm had been better than endless years of self-pleasure, all combined. Masturbation felt good, of course, but having a man bite and lick at her neck while he stroked her clit? Dear God, she’d nearly melted into a puddle in his arms. The orgasm she’d had was on steroids—bigger, harder, and more powerful than any she’d ever had before.
His hands on her changed everything. And it was probably safe to say that he was going to ruin her for masturbation for the rest of her life. Her own hands couldn’t do nearly the things his could, and now she’d be craving him like an addict. She really should have told him to stop for her own peace of mind.
But she didn’t, because she wanted more of those intense, mind-shattering orgasms. She wanted the full package—the foreplay, the penetration, the home run at the end, everything.
The backs of her knees bumped against the edge of the bed and she nearly fell backward, wobbling against him for support and dragging her attention back to the moment. “Wh-what are you doing?”
“Pushing you back into the bed so I can have my wicked way with you?” He wiggled his eyebrows at her like a cartoon villain.
“You could just ask,” she said, her tone pert. Not that she was mad. She wanted him to have his wicked way with her, too. God, did she ever.
“I could. ‘Greer, could you please lie down for me so I can tongue your pussy for the next hour?’”
Her entire body shivered at his words. She dropped to the edge of the bed, her knees weak. She couldn’t seem too eager. “W-will it help you practice?”
The terrible man licked his lips as he gazed down at her. “Very much so.”
Oh, sweet lord have mercy. “I thought we were going to do foreplay?” she said faintly.
“Oh, don’t worry. I’m not forgetting about those pretty breasts of yours.” He tapped a hand on her shoulder. “Now, lie back for me.”
“Any particular way?” Even as she asked, she eased herself backward, feeling oddly self-conscious though she did her best not to show it. This couldn’t be the most flattering angle of her now-plumper pregnancy body. She swung her legs onto the bed and curled them slightly, resisting the urge to squeeze her arms together so her breasts would look fuller.
“You look beautiful just like that.” Asher gave her a saturnine smile and moved onto the bed next to her, then propped himself up on his side so he could gaze down at her body. “Now, let me have a moment just to admire things.”
“Take all the time you want.” She was rather proud of how confident she sounded just then. Not rattled at all at the thought of the man she’d been in love with for years staring down at her naked body when it wasn’t at its most attractive.
He propped up his chin on his hand for a long minute, gazing down at her face.
“What?” she asked when he didn’t move to do anything.
Asher shrugged. “I just like looking at you.”
Damn it. She felt a surge of pleasure at his words. She should have been mad at him, remembering that night in the gardens when he did her wrong—and did her wrong so badly. But all she could think about at the moment was the bright blue of his eyes, the way he gazed down at her so covetously. She loved that feeling. She wanted it to go on forever.
For a long time, he just gazed down at her, and the longer it went on, the more utterly aware of him Greer was. Her nipples prickled, aching and hard. Her skin felt intensely sensitive, even though he wasn’t touching her, and she felt her pulse surging, seemingly centered right between her legs, as if she could still feel the orgasm from earlier. He reached out and gently brushed locks of her hair outward from her face, spreading them like a halo around her head.
“You’re incredibly beautiful, do you know that?”
Her traitorous heart thumped. If this was just him practicing his seduction, she didn’t want to get too flattered. “I’m pretty sure every man tells a naked woman in his bed that she’s beautiful.”
“No, he doesn’t,” Asher said bluntly. “Just take the damn compliment, all right?”
“All right.”
His hand went from her hair and smoothed down her shoulder. He leaned in and kissed her skin, his lips moving over her in a tender way that gave her goose bumps. He gave her shoulder a second kiss, even as his hand skimmed lower and then brushed over one of her nipples.
Greer sucked in a breath. Just that small caress had sent a riot of pleasure through her body.