The Billionaire’s Favorite Mistake (Page 72)
“I have to admit that I have an ulterior motive,” Donna said with a swing of her big, bouncy red hair. “I’ve been trying to contact Asher for a few weeks and I can’t get ahold of him.”
“You have?” She kept her voice mild, even though her hands clenched on her cup. He’s mine, she wanted to growl. You had him and you fucked away your chances.
Donna gave an aggrieved little grimace. “I just moved back to the city and can’t connect with him. Do you know if he’s lost his phone?”
“He didn’t lose it. He’s been in Vegas with me.” Okay, so she felt a little catty pointing that out. She also wanted to point out that she was having the man’s baby, but that would probably make Donna turn and run and again, and she needed Donna. She just had to keep reminding herself of that.
“Oh.” Donna tilted her head. “So what’s this about, then?”
“I want you to help me see if Asher’s feelings for me are legitimate.”
Donna’s eyes widened. “I . . . don’t understand.”
“I love Asher. And I thought he loved me, but now I’m not sure.” She swallowed hard, taking a moment to compose herself. It was difficult to lay herself bare like this, when everything inside her screamed for her to protect herself, protect the baby, not to let anyone know how she was feeling. She cleared her throat and continued. “Asher says he cares for me. I don’t know if I can trust him. I want you to meet with him and ask him to reconcile with you. I want to see his reaction.”
Donna’s jaw dropped. “You want to see if he’ll try to get back together with me?”
Greer nodded. Throwing Donna—his first love—in his face would prove to her if he truly wanted Greer or if it was just an act to get to the baby. It was underhanded and wrong and she didn’t know what else to do.
“How . . . how will this work?” Instead of calling her a dirty rat or threatening to call the cops on her like Greer had envisioned, Donna looked intrigued.
“I thought you might record him, or wear a microphone or a baby monitor. Something. I don’t know. Something where I could hear your conversation.” Greer twisted her hands in her lap. “I know it sounds crazy, but I just have to be sure.”
“And what do I tell him? Hi, Asher, I know I fucked things up between us two years ago but I’ve turned over a new leaf?”
Actually, that didn’t sound too bad to Greer. “Whatever you need to tell him. Just make it believable.”
“It should be believable,” Donna said with a sniff. “Like I said, I’ve been trying to get in touch with him for the last week. It’s funny that you should ask me to do this . . .” She let her words trail off delicately and a tiny smile played on her mouth.
Oh no. Greer’s heart sank. “You want him back?”
“I do,” Donna said and crossed her legs delicately, adjusting her skirts. “Honestly, that’s why I’m entertaining this. If he’s with you, then I guess we’re done.” She shrugged. “But if he has feelings for me, I’d like to know. I’d like a second chance.”
“Because of his money or because of who he is?” Greer asked flatly.
Donna tilted her head and frowned at Greer. “That’s a crass question.”
It was a truthful one. Did it even matter, though? If she threw Donna at him and he chose her over Greer, then what did it matter if Donna wanted him for his money? Wouldn’t he deserve that after how he’d treated Greer?
But it hurt, because she still loved him despite everything.
“I’m sorry,” Greer said, even though it galled her to apologize. “I’m just . . . touchy at the moment. It sounds like we both want the man. This is the only way to see which one of us he truly wants. Do you agree?”
“I do.” Donna gave another toss of her glorious hair. Jeez. The woman shook her mane more than a show pony. How had Greer not remembered that? “And whoever he wants is whoever he gets.”
Provided he apologizes and gets his head out of his ass, yes. “All right. And the other will give him up, no questions asked.”
Donna’s smug little smile told Greer that she wasn’t too worried about losing. “So how should we do this? Can I compare phone numbers with you? Like I said, I can’t seem to get ahold of him lately.”
“Sure. He’s been texting me constantly for the last week.” And oh, it felt good to pull out her phone and scroll through the list of endless text messages she’d gotten from Asher recently, if only to see the smug perfection on Donna’s face fade a little.
They set up their plan. Donna would text Asher and tell him it was regarding Greer and ask him to meet her in a public place. She’d place her phone on speakerphone so Greer could hear everything that Asher said. That was all. It seemed ridiculously simple, and outrageously sneaky, and by the time Donna left, Greer was upset and unhappy and ready to throw up all the hot chai tea she’d drank at the cafe.
She opted for a cab home instead of the subway, and laid down in the backseat the entire time, sick to her stomach and worried about what she’d just done. Over and over, her phone buzzed with texts and each one was like a little mental shake.
What have you done?
What makes you think Asher will understand what you just did?
Won’t he be mad? What if he hates you?
What if he does want Donna back just because you shoved her in his face and he realized how beautiful she is?
Logic told her that if Asher cared for her, it wouldn’t matter. Logic told her that Asher could be mad about her being sneaky, but it was just payback for him being sneaky. Logic told her a lot of things that made sense, but it didn’t stop the nervous pounding in her heart or the worry that she’d somehow fucked everything up.