The Billionaire’s Favorite Mistake (Page 64)
Asher just shook his head. “He’s fucking ignoring you. I’m starting to hate the man.”
“Well, save that for after the wedding, perhaps? Or it might make your best man speech awkward.” She moved toward him and tugged him toward her bed. “There’s still plenty of room here to practice, if you ask me.”
“I just don’t get your father,” he growled, even as he allowed her to pull him down onto the mattress. “You’re the best thing he has in his life and he’s throwing away your relationship.”
“Ash, we’ve never really had a relationship. Vader doesn’t know how to care for people. I accepted it long ago.” Well, mostly. The child inside her still yearned for birthday to-dos and a father that remembered she existed.
“He’s your father. It should mean something to him, damn it.” He leaned in and kissed her fiercely. “You matter. I don’t care what he thinks. You matter.”
His passionate words made her heart thump wildly. Of course it mattered. Asher had grown up in foster care and in his own words, had ‘escaped as fast as he could’. To him, parents were important because he’d never truly felt as if he’d had any. She’d had two messes and grown up being all she needed for herself. Maybe that was why she’d insisted she could do this on her own. But now? It felt wrong.
She was going to talk to her lawyer in the morning, get the contract changed. If Asher wanted to be in the baby’s life—in whatever capacity—she’d welcome it. No more revenge or making plans out of anger. There were three lives affected by the baby, and he deserved a say.
“You look so serious,” Asher said, cupping her face in his hands. “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings with what I said about your father. He’s not a complete dick . . . actually, I can’t even say that. I know he’s a complete dick.”
Greer chuckled and began to unbutton Asher’s shirt. “I know he is. And I’m not upset. I was just thinking.”
“About what?”
“About how I should get some practice, too?” She wet her lips and gave him her most distracting look. “I mean, I think you’ve got a few things down pat, but I’m pretty sure I could use a little experience of my own.” And she kept unbuttoning and continued to his pants when she was done with his shirt.
His eyes watched her hotly. “You want to do that?”
Of course she did. He was incredibly sexy and she loved touching him. She grew bolder with every time they had sex, but this was the first time she’d been bold enough to ask to do this. He’d spent endless hours lavishing attention on her body—now she wanted to play a little with him. “Do you mind?”
Asher chuckled. “Asking if I mind if you give me a blow job is like asking if I mind if you give me a million dollars.”
She wiggled her eyebrows at him and slid off the side of the bed onto the floor, where she knelt on the worn throw rug. “One million dollar blow job coming right up. Well, actually, since I’ll be practicing, it’ll be more like a buck fifty blow job.”
“If you’re doing it, it’s priceless.”
She looked up to tease him at the words . . . and then realized he was utterly serious. Oh. A rush of affection surged through her and Greer smiled up at him. Just when she thought she knew the man, he blew her away with a quiet statement.
She wanted to make this good for him. All right, all those years of reading Cosmo magazines had to be good for something. She knew the basics, just lacked practical application. No teeth, lots of licking and sucking, and the occasional nut jiggle. She could do this.
Greer carefully unzipped his pants and pulled the fabric aside. His cock was already straining against his boxers, forming a tent in the fabric. “Poor thing,” she murmured. “All trapped and just wants out.”
“Are you being playful?” Asher asked, his voice incredulous. “Fuck, that’s so hot.” His hand went to her hair, and she thought he was going to stroke it, but he knotted his fingers in a fistful of it instead, holding her head. “You are the sexiest thing I have ever seen, Greer. You know that, right?”
“I do.” He told her constantly. Repeatedly. Either he really did think she was sexy—which was nice for the ego—or he just liked to pile on the lies. She preferred to think it was the former. Smiling, she pulled down his boxers carefully and freed his shaft.
His cock was interesting. She’d seen porn on the Internet—who hadn’t?—and thought she’d seen her share of dicks. They weren’t the best-looking of features, really. But there was something about Asher’s that she found incredibly appealing. His skin was smooth, the head thick and mushroomlike at the top. He was long and slightly curved, and there was a thick vein on the underside that she wanted to touch and see if he was sensitive. Really, she just wanted to play with all of him.
And this was her chance.
With a quick glance up at him, she curled her hands around his shaft. He felt thick and heavy in her hands, and the skin here felt warmer than the rest of his body. Softer, too, even though it covered something incredibly hard. She traced a finger around the head, then trailed along his shaft. “I’m going to put my mouth on you.”
“I’m totally fine with that.” His hand tightened in her hair. “More than fine. In fact, I’m going to have to demand it.”
“No need to demand.” She curled her fingers around his shaft and parted her lips, letting her mouth descend.