The Billionaire’s Favorite Mistake (Page 71)
But she didn’t trust him. Not after what she’d found out.
Love had to be proven.
All right, then. She’d have to figure out a way to test him. Thoughtful, Greer tucked the tabloid under her arm and continued walking.
The idea hit her late that night, when she was lying in bed, sad and miserable and alone. After all the nights spent in Asher’s bed, it was still strange to sleep alone in her own, and she had a hard time falling asleep. She’d been thinking about Asher and how confused she was over whether or not he truly loved her like he’d said, when she’d remembered Donna.
Donna of the prior relationship. Betraying Donna, who’d nearly tanked his business and broke his heart in one fell swoop. Donna, the high school sweetheart who had been Asher’s only love until now. Donna of the flaming red hair and vivacious personality, who was nothing like Greer.
She picked up her phone, curious.
Another wave of text messages filled the screen, all from Asher.
Asher: Sweetheart, please call me.
Asher: I’m worried about you.
Asher: Don’t do this, Greer. Don’t cut me out. Please.
Asher: Talk to me. Let me know what’s wrong.
Asher: I came to your building and they won’t let me in to see you. I’m calling Hunter on Monday to buy the damn building if you don’t answer me soon. I’m serious, Greer. We need to talk. I need to know what’s freaking you out so I can fix it.
Asher: Please, sweetheart. Just call me. Let me know you’re all right.
The texts made her heart ache. She’d been doing her best not to read them over the long weekend, because reading them just reminded her of what a good thing she’d thought she’d had with Asher. For that brief, happy window of time, she’d been so happy. She’d thought that maybe, maybe they could have a future together. Maybe they could be the little family she’d always dreamed of.
Now she didn’t know what to think. Lies had been piled on top of lies, and she deserved to know the truth. Her baby deserved it, too.
Again, she thought of Donna. Did Donna still live in NYC? Greer couldn’t remember. Her last name was a strange one, Sunshine. Greer had thought it was a silly last name but it also made it easy to remember and even easier to Google. She found her within moments, and paid a fee on a telephone lookup website to get her private phone number.
Donna was the key to all of this, Greer realized. If she knew for sure that Asher was done with Donna and was serious about her, she could look past all the ridiculous lies and the made-up wedding—though really, thinking about that still made her furious—and she could at least be friends with him if she understood what he was thinking. If she could understand where he was coming from. Something. Anything.
She stared at Donna’s phone number, hesitating over sending a text. What could she say to her that wouldn’t sound like she was a crazy person?
We have a mutual ex and we need to talk because I don’t know if he’s my ex?
Hey, did Asher ever make other people put on a fake wedding just so he could spend time with you?
Did you guys ever pretend to practice sex even though he was really good at it?
Anger burned in her belly, and she put the phone down. Strangely enough, the thought of Asher with Donna—Asher touching Donna—filled her with fury and jealousy. She didn’t want to bring Donna back into the picture. What if she did and Asher forgot all about Greer again?
But . . . if she didn’t, how could she ever be certain of anything Asher told her? His lies were mixed with his truths.
Remember when you asked if I was either a liar or in love?
Her heart hurt. She knew he was a liar. Why was she so determined to hope that he was also in love? Was it just the baby? Was this her trying to feather her nest? She put the phone down and closed her eyes, trying to picture Asher as a father. Every time she thought of him, though, she thought of his teasing smile, the wicked look in his eyes just when he was about to thrust into her. The way he kissed her neck. The way he held her and they just talked for hours while in bed together.
It wasn’t that she wanted a father for her baby. She wanted Asher for herself. Always had. Maybe she always would.
Tears brimming in her eyes, Greer picked up her phone again and texted Donna before she could chicken out.
Greer: Hi, Donna. It’s me, Greer Chadha-Janssen. I used to be one of Asher’s roommates back in college. Are you still in NYC? I hope so. Can we set up a time to talk over lunch? I need a favor and I’m hoping you’ll help me. I’ll make it worth your while.
She met Donna at a small, anonymous coffee shop in Brooklyn the next afternoon. Well, sort of. Greer got there early and knew instantly when Donna arrived. Dressed in a cool, summery white dress that showed off every line of her body, Donna drew the attention of everyone in the cafe. Greer, on the other hand, was wearing a plain T-shirt and leggings, since her jeans were a little too tight to be comfortable this morning. Plain and boring, that was Greer. She knew it even as Donna’s gaze skimmed over the cafe’s customers, looking for Greer. Seriously? Did the woman not remember what she looked like? Was she truly that forgettable?
Greer raised a hand into the air when Donna’s gaze moved over her again without recognition. Yes, apparently, she was that forgettable.
“Greer?” Donna sauntered forward and extended her arms. “Oh, my goodness. When you said you and Asher had been dating, I thought you were the blonde one, not—” she paused.
Not the brown one? “Please sit,” Greer said, determined to keep the conversation aboveboard. She needed Donna’s help, like it or not. “Thank you for meeting me.”