When Ash Falls (Page 15)

When Ash Falls (London Fairy Tales #4)(15)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

Was it selfish that Sofia valued her life so highly? But it wasn’t merely her own life, but that of her people. After her father’s quick death, it had been rumored her stepmother had replaced every soldier within her inner circle. Every guard. She’d released all the loyal subjects and immediately started taxing the people.

Sofia shivered again. It was up to her to take back the throne, and the only way she could do that was to marry someone powerful.

A man who could overpower her stepmother. A man who wouldn’t as much as flinch in the face of fear. A hero. She almost laughed aloud. Yes, that’s exactly what she needed: a true, honest-to-God hero, someone willing to wield his sword first and ask questions later.

Someone like Ash?

She shook the errant thought from her head as a giggle escaped between her lips. The man would sooner end his own life than try to align himself with hers.

Which was a pity.

All things considered.

She could use his sword.

And his powerful friends.

Sofia’s eyes narrowed as she leaned forward and warmed her hands against the fire. Ash… friend of Dominique. Was he titled? Rich? She knew he was brave, but what of his heritage?

Worrying her lower lip, she leaned back in her chair. Did it truly matter if he was wealthy? Once she took back her kingdom, she wouldn’t need his wealth. Until then, she had her cousin taking care of her Season.

“Ash,” she said aloud, trying out his name, and then a bit louder. “Ash.”

“Are you going to scream my name next?” came a voice through the door.

Sofia jolted from the chair and scrambled to her feet just as Ash knocked and let himself in. He locked the door behind him.

“Just what do you think you’re doing?” She hissed, though her voice sounded more breathless than irritated.

“What type of hero would I be if I didn’t aid my lady after she whispers my name so…” His eyes sparkled. “…reverently.”

“Are you foxed?”

“God above, I wish.” He groaned, stretching his arms over his head. “Now, I’ll pretend you weren’t just whispering my name like a wanton—”

“I did no such thing I was merely—”

“If you allow me a moment’s silence so I can rest my eyes.”

Sofia looked down at her feet, embarrassment washing over her. “Fine.”

“Splendid.” His voice was closer, and then two booted feet appeared near hers. A warm hand cupped her chin and lifted her face until they were eye to eye. “Say it again.”


His smile was dazzling. “Not that.”

Sofia tried to pull away.

His grip allowed no such movement, no freedom. Trapped, she was powerless to do anything except stare at his full lips and remember the way they had tasted when pressed against hers.

“My name,” he whispered, his lower lip almost caressing hers. “Say it.”

“Why? Did you forget it?”


Still, she said nothing.

Ash grinned, tilting his head. “Perhaps I just like the way your voice sounds…”


“That’s not my name.” He chuckled. “Well, to be fair, Pierce has called me that upon occasion… I’m not releasing you until you say it. Why suddenly so shy? You were more than happy to chant it to the moon earlier.”

Sofia’s ears burned with embarrassment. “Ash.”


Closing her eyes, she whispered, “Ash.”

“Ah…” His touch lingered, and then he released her. “Was that so difficult?”

“You have no idea.”

“I think…” His eyes darkened. “…I do. Now, we have an early morning, and apparently the princess desires chocolate. Shall we sleep?”

She nodded slowly then made her way over to the far side of the bed, keeping the blanket secured over her body as she climbed as far as she could to the farthest side without falling off. “This isn’t proper.”

“Have no worries, Princess. I have no intention on seduction this evening… wouldn’t be very sporting of me to seduce an innocent before she makes her debut in London.”

“That and my cousin would have your head.”

“His bark is worse than his bite, I assure you.”

“Not in this certain scenario.”

“Relax.” Ash breathed, the bed dipped under his weight. “And close your eyes… I promise you’ll still be untouched come morning.”

And that was the problem, wasn’t it? As she closed her eyes and prayed for sleep to come. For the first time in her young existence, she truly wished he was lying, because she wanted to be desired, though she’d never admit it out loud, least of all to him. Alone, so alone, with no friends, and journeying toward a family she’d never met before. Seduction wasn’t necessary, but being held?

It would be nice.

Being held by Ash?

Heaven, really.


The darkness is never so dark as when you finally have a chance to encounter light in its truest form. —The Grimm Reaper

ASH LAY AWAKE, STARING at the blackness above him. The swirling mist of nothingness had always been his companion as he slept — if he slept. The pain in his chest rarely dissipated, regardless of how bad or good the day previous had been.

It was during the evening that the nightmares came.

For evening invited darkness, and darkness had once been his friend, his sole companion. The cold reminded him of death — of his impending death, of what he deserved and why he’d made the sacrifices he had.

To honor the blood that had been spilled.

Her blood.

He wasn’t a fool. He knew the love he’d had for her had been wrong. To love his twin’s wife? To covet her above all else? And then to be the reason she had stopped living altogether?

Ash exhaled loudly and turned his head.

It was impossible to make out the silhouette of the princess, but he’d seen enough to pull forth from his imagination. Violet eyes, sharp cheekbones, lips meant for kissing, a body begging for a man’s touch — his touch.

The cold left his body — left the bloody room. Left him — wanting. Her.

But want was nothing new, just a ridiculous emotion he needed to learn to control, lest he find himself on the opposite end of Dominique’s pistol.

He’d returned to the room to apologize — again, at least five times in twenty-four hours — when he’d heard someone whispering.