When Ash Falls (Page 17)

When Ash Falls (London Fairy Tales #4)(17)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

“Splendid.” Sofia’s voice was quiet, her eyes not quite meeting Ash’s as she nodded her approval.

“Right then!” Hunter clapped. “Let’s be on our way. We don’t want Dominique losing any more patience than he already has… too many lives already lost.”

“What?” Sofia gasped.

“Cut their heads clean off.” Hunter nodded sadly. “Then promptly ate them for dinner.”

“He means the chickens.” Ash held up his hands. “I’ll explain later.” Leave it to Hunter to make something as basic as Dominique slaughtering his own chickens for sport to sound like cannibalism.

“They never see it coming. One day they lay an egg, the next…” Hunter made a cutting motion across his neck.

Sofia let out a gasp.

“Go be bothersome elsewhere.” Ash pushed Hunter from the room.

“Can’t.” Ash tilted his head. “I’ll stay outside the door with you while our damsel finishes doing what damsels do in the mornings, and then you’ll do what you typically do in order to prepare for your job which I’m sure requires screaming at young children and kicking innocent puppies, and then we’ll break our fast.”

“Someone likes to plan,” Sofia muttered under her breath.

“He’s a duke. He bores easily.” Ash clapped Hunter on the back and pushed him out of the room. “We’ll be just outside if you need either of us.”

Sofia nodded and softly closed the door behind her. The minute the latch turned on the lock, Hunter’s easygoing manner shifted into that of seriousness.

That was how it went with Hunter. He was the best spy the Crown had ever seen, easily slipping from a simple bloke to one of power, anger.

“You’re fortunate,” he said in low clipped tones, “that it was me and not Dominique who stumbled upon you alone with his cousin.”

“Dominique is aware I’m celibate.” Ash desperately fought to keep his teeth from gnashing, that or pushing against his brother’s chest.

“Yes,” Hunter growled. “But the rest of the world is not. Kindly keep yourself from imposing on her innocence before he ends your life while you slumber.”

“Empty threats.” Ash rolled his eyes. “Besides, how else was I to protect her?”

“She has guards.”

“Have you seen them?”

“Yes well…” Hunter coughed. “The first sneezed in my face, the second fell asleep mid-sentence…”

“Exactly my point.” Ash clenched his teeth until his jaw popped. “They are useless.”

“And Pierce.”

“Someone singing my praises?” Pierce sauntered down the hall, his arm around a serving maid. “Listen up, love, they’ll tell you all about how Pierce slew a dragon with his bare hands.”

Hunter elbowed Ash. “He reminds me of someone.”

“You. He reminds you of you. That’s why you like him so much.”

“Handsome fellow.”

“That I am!” Pierce gave a low bow then staggered up to his feet, the barmaid giggling at his side.

“And drunk.” Ash swore. “Pierce, how the devil are you to protect the prin — the lovely lady — if you are foxed?”

Pierce shrugged. “She has you.”

Just then the door opened, and Sofia stepped out. “Did someone mention chocolate?”

“Ah yes.” Hunter offered his arm. “Follow me, my lady, and I’ll escort you while my twin says his prayers.”


“For his soul.” Hunter nodded. “One does not become a hired assassin without starting his morning with God. It is how he shall start life and end it.”

“Deep.” Pierce hiccupped.

Rolling his eyes, Ash pushed past his brother and barricaded himself in the room, giving himself a few minutes of peace before having to face the firing squad again.

Hunter had been right. It was careless of him, stupid. He shouldn’t have had her alone. But that didn’t change the way his body hummed with the memory of having done so — or the desire that flared to life at the thought of doing it again.


When one doesn’t touch a woman for ten years then is suddenly thrust into her presence… well, no good can come from that. No good at all. Yet, as a man, stupidity seems to be in the forefront. I should flee… yet I stay. —Grimm Reaper

THE DUKE’S EYES WERE terrifying. The yellow surrounding his pupils seemed to enlarge when he stared at Sofia like he was doing. In fact, he hadn’t stopped staring since they sat at the table and ordered food.

“So…” She cleared her throat. “…you’re twins?”

“Yes, well…” His Grace winked. “…one of us had to receive the looks, while the other received the brains.”

“Highly doubtful.” She narrowed her eyes as his smile grew.

“And what makes you say that?” He leaned forward, his fingers tapping slightly against the table.

“You’re…” She shook her head. “…perceptive.”

“Most men are.” He waved her off.

Sofia snorted.

The duke’s eyes twinkled. “Ah, the woman disagrees?”

“Wildly.” She grinned. “Your Grace, if I may be so bold—”

“Boldness gets you everywhere, my dear. Where is that dratted brother? Did you know he saved an elephant from drowning once?”

“Er, pardon?”

“An elephant.” His Grace nodded and held up his hands, making a long motion in front of his face. “Ghastly creatures, very noisy, forgetful, have long trunks and hairy backs.”

“How does an elephant drown?”

“Lovely, so glad you asked. You see, the trunk was stuck in the water. Ash, upon seeing the elephant’s horror at having his trunk stuck, went to pull it out. The elephant panicked, sinking deeper in, and that’s when the lightning struck.”


“Yes, well, it sounded like lightning when really it was pirates.”

Did lightning make a sound? “Pirates?”

“Of course. Are you going to repeat everything I say? Makes the story go so much slower…”

“Hunter…” Ash’s voice was irritated. “…stop telling falsehoods in order to see how deep she’ll plunge into the rabbit hole of your insanity.”

His Grace flashed a smile, and he leaned back. “It is my favorite embellishment, you and the elephant.”