When Ash Falls (Page 33)

When Ash Falls (London Fairy Tales #4)(33)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

Sofia grinned. “I did, though the highlight was when—”

“Bed.” Ash pointed. “You should rest.”

Her eyes narrowed.

Pierce’s smile grew. “I say… won’t you sleep so much better tonight knowing that these… very brave gentleman are willing to pound down the door if they hear one small… tiny whimper?”

Ash was going to kill him.

Strangling one’s friend was most likely frowned upon, but Ash had already decided he’d been doomed to hell the minute he’d agreed to Sofia’s little proposition. How the hell was he supposed to show her pleasure and be quiet about it?

His body gave a shudder.

“Where there’s a will there’s a way, I always say.” Pierce chuckled.

“Be irritating elsewhere,” Ash snapped.

Pierce sauntered by Ash and addressed the guard. “Remember what I said, gentlemen. The princess’s safety…”

And her innocence, thought Ash.

“…is in your very capable hands. No intruders, no noises, any screaming — and you do what?”

Benedict raised his hand tentatively and whispered, “Break down the door.”

“With an ax!” bloodthirsty Gerald shouted, causing an immediate ache between Ash’s ears.

“Right.” Pierce chuckled. “Right you are!”

Ash grabbed Pierce by the collar the minute Sofia had stepped into her room and closed the door. “What are you about?”

“Protection. Duty. Saving the princess’s honor…” His voice trailed off as he jerked away from Ash’s grip. “I take it you agreed to her little… offer?”

“What the devil do you know about her offer?”

Pierce blinked. “Of friendship.”

“Oh.” Ash coughed. “Er… yes, we’ve decided to be… good friends.”



“Lovely.” Pierce nodded. “One could always use more friends… of the female sex.”

“Better than friends of the male sex who find it their personal mission in life to make mine a living hell.”

“But Ash…” Pierce put his hand across his heart. “…I’m merely protecting your friend.”

“From what?” He damn-near roared.

“Intruders.” Pierce winked. “Of the friendly nature.”

“Damn you.”

“Sleep well, friend… and do be quiet. You wouldn’t want the rest of the house waking up because you decided to rub your friend’s—”

“Cease talking.”

“—back.” Pierce nodded. “Gets the aches out.”


“Leaving.” Pierce’s dark chuckle had Ash almost running after him, tumbling down the stairs, and pulling his pistol.

“If you need anything…” one of the guards said. Ash had no idea which one was speaking. “…anything at all—” A sneeze interrupted the man’s speech. Ah, Samson. “—just tell us.”

Ash turned around.

“Or think it.” Gerald nodded. “Simply think help, and I’ll know. Been training up here, I have.” He pointed at his chest.

David quickly raised Gerald’s hand to point to his head.

“How reassuring,” Ash clipped. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m exhausted.”

They parted much like the Red Sea, allowing him access to his room. He quickly entered, slammed the door behind him, and locked it so they couldn’t barge in when they heard a fly buzzing around.

With a groan of frustration, Ash slowly made his way to the bed and stopped dead in his tracks.

“So,” Sofia whispered, “the three weeks start tonight.”

“You’ll be the death of me.” Ash groaned, wiping his face with his hands. “The very death.”

Sofia stood, her dress, what was left of it, fell to the ground in a heap, leaving her in nothing but her stays. “Help me undress?”

“That depends,” he said gruffly, clearly jumping into the madness she’d created with both feet. “Are you able to keep quiet?”

She laughed softly. “Why would I need to keep quiet? You’re merely undressing me.”

“Ah…” Ash moved slowly toward her. “And that is where your innocence betrays you. Undressing is not so simple as you think. It involves… touching…” He angled his head toward her breasts. ”…caressing…” A soft chuckle worked its way past his lips. “…and, if you’re lucky, a bit of biting.”

Her breath hitched.

“Scream, and I stop,” he warned

“And if I want you to do more?” Her chest heaved.

“Easy.” Ash tugged one of the strings, causing her to stumble into his arms as he whispered across her mouth, “You say please.”

Wide eyes stared back at him, whether in shock or arousal, he wasn’t sure.

“Turn,” he instructed.

Slowly, she turned while Ash took his time, tugging the strings of her corset.

With each tug, her body fell a little closer to his. Smirking, he ran his knuckles along her bare flesh.

She shuddered, a little moan escaping her mouth.

“Passion…” Another tug. “…is not just the act of making love.”


“Ah, stand still.”

Sofia huffed.

“Passion can be as simple…” His fingers danced along her spine where the corset had already loosened. “…as one simple graze.”

Goose flesh rose across her ivory skin.

“Or…” Another tug. “…it can be a simple look… a simple promise without using words.”

“You…” Her voice croaked. “But you promised three weeks of—”

“Passion.” With one final tug, the corset fell to the ground around her ankles. “And that’s exactly what I aim to do.”

Sofia turned, her arms covering her breasts. “Do you not want me… in a… familiar way.”

Truly? All she needed to do was look down, and she’d see just how much he wanted her, how damn much he wanted to press her soft body against the bed and take her in as many ways as he remembered how.

“Of course,” he whispered gently. “But not yet. When that time comes, it will only be because you beg me, and even then, I may say no.”