When Ash Falls (Page 43)

When Ash Falls (London Fairy Tales #4)(43)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

Sofia took a step toward him then stopped, arching one eyebrow as if to taunt him.

“Wait!” Ash held up his hands. “Remove your mask.”


“Because…” Ash swallowed. “…I want to see your face.”

“Did you forget what I looked like so soon?”

“Never,” Ash vowed. “I simply haven’t had my fill.”

Sofia’s eyes widened just slightly before she removed her black mask and tossed it onto the bed. She took another step.

“And your hair,” Ash said in a hoarse voice. “Let it down.”

“Your reason?”

“Do I need to have a reason? How about this? I desire the way the short cut frames your face. I crave the shadow it casts upon your lips.”

Without another word Sofia reached up and quickly removed the pins from her hair then carefully set them next to her mask.

“Is that all?” she asked, putting her hands on her hips. “Or shall I remove my dress as well?”

Ash groaned aloud. “That wouldn’t do… because then I would ravish you, ruining you for all men.”

“A bit overconfident.”

“I’d like to think I’m just very well aware of my skills.”

Sofia took another step and played with the sleeves of her ruby gown. “Well? What will it be, soldier?”

“Dance for me, Princess.”


Ash nodded, leaning his head back against the rock wall. “Just a few twirls, swing your hips, let me drink you in… let me look at you.”

Sofia didn’t argue or ask why, she held out her arms and twirled in front of him, and then, in a move so seductive Ash nearly collapsed to the ground, she crooked her finger in his direction.

He took one step, then two, three more, and he was tugging her body against his. “This will never work, Princess.”

“For now… can it work for now, soldier?”

“Are you asking me to live in the moment… embrace my passion?”

“I’m a princess,” she hissed. “I never ask. I demand.”

“Are you demanding me, Princess?”

“Is that a problem?”

“Hell no.” He crushed his mouth against hers, lifting her body into the air at the same time.

She hooked her ankles around his legs and moved against him.

With a groan, he walked them to the bed and laid her down, deepening the kiss, softening his touch against her skin, not wanting to bruise her perfection.

She pulled her lips away from his; a frown marred her troubled face. “Could you come to care for me?”


“Please… no witty response… just truth.”

“Just truth.” Ash repeated, touching his forehead to hers. “I already do.”

“And would you — that is… if you were titled… if you were given the choice… if we had more time… if I told you I cared for you in return, would you marry me?”

“Princess.” Ash sighed. “There were a lot of ifs in that question.”

“Please, Ash.”

Lying to her would be the hardest thing he’d ever done, because she deserved someone better than him, someone who would give her his whole heart, someone who had a future, who would live past the next few years, live to see their children. “If I was given a choice, it would be you. Every. Time.”

Sofia reached up and kissed him, her mouth thanking him better than her words ever could.

“But—” He pulled away, angry that he had to. “—I do not have a choice. You do not have a choice.”

“What if I did?”

“You don’t.”

“What if I gave up everything to—”

“Shh.” Ash pressed his fingertip to her lips. “Do not dwell on things you cannot change. By my calculations, we still have a near three weeks before you must announce an engagement.”

“To a title.” She looked crestfallen.

Ash ignored the annoying pang in his chest paired with the irritating voice in his head that said he could fix it all. He couldn’t. He wouldn’t. He marrying her would fix nothing. She’d end up resenting him, for how could a half a person with half a heart — an assassin? Marry a woman so pure that her skin glowed with it.

“I care for you.” He said it softly in her ear as to ease her mind. “Let us leave it at that.”

“For now.” She sighed.

“For now,” he agreed, his mouth meeting hers.

She arched beneath him, her soft body writhing against his. “Show me passion, Ash… show me.”

“Say my name again.”

“Ash…” She kissed his mouth, tugging on his lower lip. “My fallen Ash…”

How true her words were… for he had fallen so far he wasn’t quite sure he’d ever see the light of day again — nor did he care.

“Let me love you,” he whispered, taking great care to kiss every square inch of her neck, branding her, leaving his mark in the most obvious way he knew how.

“Please…” She breathed. “Please.”

“Passion.” He played with the material of her sleeves. “What a silly little proposition.” He gave a tug; the front of her dress was loose enough that it fell across her arms.

“Silly,” she murmured, leaning up on her elbows. “Is that your way of saying thank you?”

“No.” He grinned and lowered his head. “This is.”

Her soft cries and gentle sighs were all that filled the cave.

When Ash had thought he’d taken his full, he would discover another spot he had yet to explore, another area his lips hadn’t yet tasted. So he explored. He tasted. He claimed.

And when the evening grew colder, he knew it was time to return the princess back to the castle and lock the dragon back into its cage.

“Sofia,” he whispered against her hair. “We should go.”

“But it’s magical.” She kissed his mouth again, her lips swollen from their night of passion. “Can’t we stay?”

“I wish we could.” Just like he wished a lot of things.

Ash helped her rearrange her dress and hair. They silently made their way back to the large manor where the ball was still in full swing. They rounded the house and called for their carriage.

“Thank you,” Sofia whispered once they were safely back at Dominique’s townhome.