Collision Course (Page 82)

Collision Course(82)
Author: S.C. Stephens

My hands ran around her waist, imagining that dress again. "It’s not getting into your pants that’s interesting me right now." I cupped her backside through her robe and she giggled. Leaning in close I added, "You are going to keep that dress on for awhile longer…right?"

She laughed again, giving me another light kiss before disentangling us. "Oh yes, Luc. I wasn’t about to change something that makes your eyes look like that."

She walked away then, to go talk to Sally, and I furrowed my brow. "Like what?" I called across the gym to her. She turned her head and laughed, but didn’t answer me. I grinned as I watched my beautiful girl walk over to her friend to break the news.

Sorry Sally, tonight my angel is staying with me. I loved that thought.

Walking hand in hand with Sawyer to the parking lot, I started gearing myself up for the drive back home. I knew I could do it, but I still had to give myself a mental pep talk. I waved at various groups of people that we walked past, a little amazed at how different things were now, than at the beginning of the year. I’d made it, though. As hard as it had been, it was over now. I clenched Sawyer’s hand as we reached the first parked cars.


A voice calling to me got Sawyer’s and my attention and we stopped walking and turned to look behind us. I smiled brightly at seeing Beth come trotting over to greet us. Her red curls bounced around her shoulders as the wide smile on her face matched mine. "Good, you’re still here."

"Hi, Beth," I said, releasing Sawyer’s hand so I could give her a warm hug.

She returned it, her hands coming down to my arms as we pulled apart. Pride showed in her pale eyes as she looked over my face. "That was amazing, Lucas, just…amazing." I blushed and looked down. It wasn’t that incredible. She laughed and I looked back up at her. "No, I’m not exaggerating. Considering where you started this year, that," she indicated behind her with her head, "was amazing."

I smiled and shook my head. My face getting serious on me, I looked over hers. "Thank you…for not giving up on me." I raised one lip wryly. "Or having me committed."

She laughed again and shook her head. "I’d never have done either of those things, Lucas." She patted my arm, looking over to Sawyer before turning back to me. "You call me if you need…anything, okay?" I nodded again and gave her another swift hug. In my ear she whispered, "I told you we’d get you there, Luc."

I bit my lip and nodded as we separated a final time. I grabbed Sawyer’s hand and turned with her to leave. As we did, Beth knowingly said, "Have a good night you two." Sawyer giggled and I turned my head to look back at Beth, giving her a quick grin. I could still hear her light laughter when we reached Sawyer’s car.

It felt like just moments later that Sawyer and I were standing alone in my bedroom. The room was subtly lit by the half moon hanging thousands of miles above us and the intimacy of its pale light wrapped around us. We stood by the side of my bed and simply gazed at each other. My heart warmed at the sight of her silver-in-the-moonlight eyes drinking me in. I sighed and lowered my head to hers, giving her a soft kiss, filling it with every ounce of love that I felt for her.

"I love you," I whispered between our kiss, feeling the need to verbalize what I felt for her too.

She sighed with a sound that matched mine, her lips equally as soft and filled with love. Her hands came up to my face, one stopping at my cheek, the other tangling in my hair. The move brought her body closer to mine and her br**sts pressed against my chest. I could feel the rigid peaks of her n**ples pressing through her silky dress and a moan escaped me.

"I love you too," she whispered.

My hands came up to rest on her hips, our lips moving more intently now. As my hands circled her backside, she made a soft noise and stepped into me, her h*ps resting against mine. I was hard, ready for her and I heard an, "Oh, Lucas," fall from her lips before my tongue stole all speech from her.

My fingers lightly traveled up her slightly trembling body to her neck, threading through some long, silky strands of her hair before finding the zipper of that fabulous dress. I groaned as I pulled the zipper down, anxious to see what was underneath and sorry to see that thin, clingy material leave her curves. I pulled back, my breath coming harder through my parted lips. Hers was as well.

Pulling the now gray looking dress down her shoulders, I exposed her creamy skin inch-by-inch. She gasped when her shoulders were free. I gasped when her br**sts were free. Following that silky fabric down the contours of her body, I shoved it to a point just past her hips, and then dropped it. It fell to her feet in a loose pile and I took a second to admire the scantily clad beauty before me.

Her bra and underwear were a startling white. They had to be, for they seemed to glow in the pale light of the moon. They were lacey and provocative, barely containing her curves, her br**sts nearly spilling out of the partial cups. My head bent to automatically taste the tender skin above her breast while my fingers wrapped around to unveil them. Her fingers loosened my tie and started making short work of the buttons on my shirt as I unclasped her bra.

She pulled me over to my bed, stepping out of her shoes and the pile of her dress. I kicked off my shoes as I followed her, my head still bent, my mouth and tongue rolling over her exposed n**ples. She pulled off my tie and shirt when the backs of her legs hit the bed. She started in on my slacks when I moved over to the other breast.

I was barely conscious of my pants sliding down my legs, my whole being focused on feeling her body. It wasn’t until her hand wrapped around me that I became aware of my body again. I groaned and found my way back to her mouth. Our kisses were more passionate now, as our fingers and palms explored the other.

Our breaths nearly as frantic as our mouths, she pulled my neck, urging me to lie down with her. I did, pausing only momentarily to slip off my socks and underwear. She watched me with hungry eyes until I joined her again. I laid on top of her, pressing my achingly hard arousal against her underwear. I could feel how ready she was for me too and I swore under my breath. She grinded her h*ps against me and a low swear passed from her lips as well.

I trailed my mouth and tongue down her body, wanting to know what every part of her tasted like. Every section was different: the trace amount of flowery perfume along her neck, the barest hint of sweat between her br**sts, the faint amount of lavender body wash around her belly button. My fingers looped around her underwear, and tugged them down. As I watched them slide down her thighs, the only thought in my head was – I needed to taste her everywhere.

I threw them over my shoulder and let my hands travel back up her thighs, pushing them apart as I kissed along the inside. I heard her breath hitch in anticipation. It made me throb. I stared at the spot I wanted to be inside more than anything. She was drenched for me and her h*ps squirmed in my hands. I knew she wanted me to be inside her too. And I would be…in a minute.

Just as I was bringing my tongue down to taste that moisture, her hands pushed back on my shoulders. My breath was heavy and my eyes felt hooded as I snapped them up to hers; hers were heavy with desire too as she looked down on me, but I could also see a hint of uncertainty.

Sawyer and I were completely comfortable with each other, but this…? For her, this was probably more intimate than everything we’d already done. For me too, I suppose. If our positions were reversed, I’d probably be feeling a little self-conscious about myself, regardless of how comfortable I was with her. Even boundless love didn’t always overcome insecurity. I understood that. Truth be told, I was a little nervous about this too, as I’d never done it either, but I wanted us to experience everything together, even if it kind of scared us.

She apparently felt the same. After staring down at me for just a moment, she bit her lip, and then reached over to cup my cheek, her thumb ring, the only adornment on her body, cool on my warm skin. She drew me right to her center and relaxed her legs, opening herself to me; welcoming me as she always did. I didn’t hesitate. I dropped my mouth to that delicate skin and ran my tongue along the core of her. I heard the groan I made, but I was instantly drowned out by the loud cry from her. Her h*ps bucked underneath me and I steadied her, not nearly done yet. I stroked and sucked and enjoyed every drop of her desire for me. Her hand threaded through my hair as her h*ps started a rhythm with my tongue. The taste…was indescribable.

"Lucas…that feels so…" She started panting and moaning in a pattern I knew well and I ached with the thought of making her come this way. Just when I started to wonder if I could, her need-filled voice rang in my ears. "Oh god, oh god, Lucas…I’m…I’m…"

She didn’t even have time to say it, as I’d slipped a couple fingers inside of her and she’d instantly come around me. I moaned as I felt and heard and tasted her orgasm. I was so in tune with her body, it was almost like I was her and I’d just come as well, even though my throbbing body assured me that I hadn’t.

I pulled away, breathless and aching. She reached down for my face and pulled me to her mouth. We both moaned together at her taste between us. Needing her so bad I could barely take it anymore, I slid into her and cried out in her mouth when our h*ps rested together.

We stayed connected, without moving, until my body calmed down a bit. Then we slowly began pulling apart and coming together. We both exhaled in relief as I filled her and she enveloped me. It was the most intensely profound connection I’d ever had, emotionally or physically, with another human being. Our movements stayed slow and unhurried as we experienced the other in the silvery near-dark of my bedroom. I whispered in her ear how much I loved her and she murmured that she loved me in return.

We rocked together in complete unison, feeling like we’d done this for years instead of months. Eventually our joint need drove us to move faster and faster, until I felt all of my other senses dulling, as my body focused on one outcome. I heard myself moaning and heard her beg for me to come in her. I didn’t need to be told twice. With a few more deep thrusts, I started to come, crying her name as I spilled inside her. She clutched me tight and I surprisingly heard her cry out again, coming again.

We slowed our movements and I carefully started to remove myself from her. Her fingers went to my hips, stilling me. "No…please, stay, just for a little bit."

I left myself inside of her, and let the rest of me carefully sag on top of her. "As long as you want, Sawyer," I murmured breathlessly.

Her hands came up to my back, tracing light patterns into my skin, as her legs wrapped around me, almost trying to pull me even closer, and, we couldn’t get any closer. She brought her hands up to hold my head as I lay across her, my breath still fast, my heart still racing. Her fingers tugged through my hair, stroking repeatedly, and my body slowly started calming down. She kissed my head as I buried it in her neck. When I felt a wetness on my cheek, I pulled back, confused. Looking up at her face, I noticed that she was lightly crying.

I immediately pulled out of her and adjusted some of my body weight off of her. "I’m sorry, am I hurting you?" I whispered, wiping tears off her cheeks.

She looked up at the ceiling, shaking her head and looking embarrassed as she swallowed and swiped some fingers under her eyes. "No, no of course not."