Avoiding Responsibility (Page 64)

Avoiding Responsibility (Avoiding #2)(64)
Author: K.A. Linde

"That’s why you said you knew me again at the Country Club," she filled in.

"Of course, I would recognize you anywhere," he mumbled feeling about as worthless as he had the night Bekah had stormed into his apartment to yell at him about Parker.

"And that’s why you pursued me."

"Initially," he said barely audible, "but you were more than that."

"Of course," she said shaking her head and tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. "You’re disgusting."

"Lexi please," he begged and pleaded moving closer to her and reaching for her. She shook him off and wandered over to the window to stare out in horror.

"You are so much different than Parker. Besides your looks, you two are nothing alike," he said trying to reassure her. "You made me forget her. You made me able to move on."

"How can I believe you?" she asked her tone dead, lifeless.

"Our relationship was real whether you choose to believe it or not," he intoned. "I did and still do love you just as much as when I first told you that night at the beach. You are the only woman I could think of being with from now until eternity. Please try and believe me when I say it."

Lexi just shook her head again forlornly. She was having trouble believing anything anyone was telling her. First, Parker with her sad tale of loss of both Ramsey and their unborn child. Now, the tale twisted on its head and gruesome stories of an abortion. Neither side could possibly have the whole truth. There might be glimpses of it, but reality was different to different people. No one story held the truth about everything and she knew all too well that listening too intently to either one was a misgiving on her part. Both likely believed their story and would carry the truth to their grave, but that didn’t mean that either story was what had actually happened. This only made her own decisions about Ramsey more difficult.

"Ramsey I just…" Lexi began turning to face him just as the door burst open.

"Ramsey I really need to talk to you," Parker cried panting a little as if she had just sprinted down the hallway. She was still in scrubs like she had come straight from the hospital.

He stood shakily and stared between the two women in his office. "About what you told Lexi?" he growled.

Parker’s lips parted as she realized she had just walked in on Lexi and Ramsey. She nodded. "Uh yeah…I told her."

* * *

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K.A. Linde


Anything to make you smile

You are the ever-living ghost of what once was

I never want to hear you say

That you’d be better off or you liked it that way

But no one is ever gonna love you more than I do

No one’s gonna love you more than I do

-Band of Horses "No One’s Gonna Love You"

* * *

Chapter 21: Present

"Now you all know my dear brother," Bekah said a little too cheerfully. "He’s been off running his own business and being a star. But we’re thrilled to announce that he is finally coming home and taking on as the position as vice president for Bridges Enterprise’s newest company." After a short pause, she continued, "I’m pleased to announce along with this new development that the new wing of the company is going to be a full-time medical wing, and to head up our medical wing with my brother is none other than our own Parker Mackenson. Parker come up here!" Bekah shrieked excitedly.

Lexi sat completely still. She wasn’t even sure if she was breathing properly. She watched as Parker eased out of her own chair hesitantly. She glanced in Lexi’s direction and gave her a sympathetic look. Lexi didn’t even know what that could mean. Clearly they had been planning this whole thing from the beginning. How could Parker feel any sympathy for what she had done?

A round of applause followed the newest development for Bridges Enterprise. Lexi had always thought that Ramsey had no desire to be affiliated with the company that his father ran. He had always made it clear that what he wanted in life didn’t have to come from the wealth that he had grown up in. The reason that he owned the strip clubs and the night clubs and the bars, the reason that he stayed out late at work every night, the reason that he put so much effort into doing something completely against his upbringing was because he never wanted to be a part of his family’s lifestyle.

He was his own man. He had his own dreams and aspirations. He may look the picture perfect boy that she had met a year ago at the Country Club, but he was so much more. He was defiant. He was strong willed and hard working. He didn’t need them. And that’s what really ate them up. Ramsey did fine all on his own. He made a living. He owned his own townhouse. He outright owned his own beach house and the cars and all the glitz. This was all his in his own right. His family couldn’t hold it over his head that they were supporting him. They couldn’t make him feel bad for giving him a job and owing his livelihood to them. He was a Bridges man at heart, but he had never been able to be controlled by them. Their money, their prestige it wasn’t him.

He had scorned every push and shove from them to join the company. He had a trust fund with so many digits that it made Lexi’s head spin, and yet he hadn’t used it! He chose to do his own thing and to start his own business. And yet, here he was standing in front of his bitch sister as she proudly announced the prodigal son’s return to their empire.

This couldn’t be his decision. This was not Ramsey, not the Ramsey she knew at least. He couldn’t have changed this much in one short month. She still thought she knew who he was…or at least the man that she had gotten to know in the last year. This must have been going on for much longer than this. No way would their father have allowed Bekah to make such a momentous announcement if things hadn’t been in some form of finalization.

How had the news media not latched onto this yet? It really must have been brand new. Otherwise this would have been all over the news. She would have already heard about it. The Bridges name was just as commonplace in New York as in Atlanta especially if you were listening for it. She certainly would have seen a copy of the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times with a spread about the Atlanta native family broadening its horizons. Yet this was happening, and she was sure that it would be discussed on the news networks in the not too distant future.

If this was happening, then how had Ramsey gotten involved? What was he going to do with the clubs? She never really approved of the clubs, but right now everything, anything was looking better than working side by side with his repugnant family and…that woman.

That thought really made her eyes narrow. Who had put this thought into his head? There was no way that his father had actually worn him down. Ramsey had been arguing his case against his father for fifteen years. Nothing could break him in that cause. He and his father simply butted heads. They were too different and also too similar in so many ways: stubborn, strong, unyielding. He would never give in if he thought that it was what his father wanted. That would be the last thing he would want to do. Defiance kept him strong in a way. Lexi knew it even if he couldn’t openly admit it to himself. Being the one who broke away from his family gave him power that he had never been able to have when he was under their regiment.

Bekah maybe? She couldn’t see him giving into her either. He loved his sister. That much was obvious. They were two peas in a pod. They had grown up close and after everything with Parker, they had only stayed that way. But even her eternal nagging wouldn’t be enough to bring him back.

He knew everything she had put Lexi through. He knew the terrible things she had said to her. He knew what a conniving, manipulative bitch his sister had turned out to be. Even if he loved her like a good brother always would, he would never put up with her ruining his life. She had a grip on him that would never loosen due to a childhood bond no one would ever fully understand, but he was still smarter than that. He saw her for what she had become just as much as the younger sister he doted on and cared for.

That left the woman who had just made her way to stand loving next to him. She watched Parker fidget in the onslaught of attention directed her way. Her smile didn’t exactly reach her eyes, and she kept glancing in Ramsey’s direction uncertainly. Lexi didn’t know what they were saying to each other in that look, but she hated that they had the capability to talk to each other without uttering a word. She was jealous of it. She could admit that. Even after everything…everything she was still jealous of that fact. Despite his lies Lexi didn’t want to see him with her. She didn’t even want to think about it. Thinking about Parker made her chest pinch at how easily everything had crumbled with the introduction of that woman.

Had she put him up to this? Had Parker been the cornerstone to this whole project? She was fresh out of med school, just finished up her residency and she thought that she could run a hospital? Lexi wanted to laugh at that. The girl was smart, but she wasn’t a genius. She couldn’t run a hospital alone.

Lexi clenched her jaw. No, she wouldn’t be doing it alone. She would be doing it with Ramsey. Ramsey would be at her side. Ramsey would be the one that she would go to in her time of need. She would have him with her for everything. They would spend all their time together. She tried not to show her distaste at the thought, but she was sure it was shining through loud and clear.

This would be a perfect set up. Bekah and their father getting Ramsey back in the business. Bekah getting her best friend back with her brother. Parker and Ramsey ending up together. It was almost too good of a ploy. Lexi didn’t know how Ramsey couldn’t see through it. He was too smart not to see what they were doing to him. They were deciding his life all over again. Everything he had done up until this point just faded away with a distant memory, because they got him back. His past accomplishments would be nothing compared to opening and running the newest branch of Bridges Enterprise.

Lexi felt sick. She suddenly felt very sick. Her stomach grumbled and she quickly covered her mouth as the taste of bile rose in her throat. She swallowed hard and gulped down the water left over from dinner. Her ah-ha moment mere hours earlier crept into her mind, but she pushed it down. She couldn’t do this. She needed to get away. She could face her problems tomorrow. She could face Ramsey tomorrow. Parker, Bekah, and Jack could all wait for her to not feel like she was going to vomit on them at any second. She wasn’t running away from her responsibilities…she was running away from the idiocy that was her life. How could a man that claimed to love her not tell her the truth about one f**king thing? How could he hold back something so important as a complete 180 degree career change from her when she had been living with him at the time? There would be time later to face up to her responsibilities. She wanted answers, but she wasn’t sure if now was the time or the place that she wanted them.

As discreetly as she could manage, Lexi pushed back her chair, walked around the outside of the circular tables, and slipped out the back entrance. Leaving the overcrowded room filled with expectations nearly made her dizzy. She breathed in the restaurant air and headed quickly for the bathroom. Lexi pushed open the door and walked quickly to the mirror. She stared forward at her reflection and sighed heavily. To a stranger she would appear all but flawless, but Lexi could tell that she was off. Her tan skin was too pale and if she looked too closely had a tint of green from where she had felt sick. Her lips were pursed in distaste. Some small beading of sweat was splattered across her hair line and under her nose. She snatched a paper towel out of the dispenser and quick blotted her face dry. She wasn’t any more satisfied with her reflection, but it didn’t matter.