Pulled (Page 53)

Author: A.L. Jackson

Cool air hit my bare skin and mixed with the heat radiating from Daniel. Thril ing shivers raced through my body.

His eyes swept over me. There was an audible intake of air as he gazed down at my naked flesh. “So beautiful,” he muttered, more to himself than to me, and his eyes traveled farther down. I heard a smal gasp, and his body stiffened.

Chapter 18

My eyes roamed her body, taking in every change and remembering all that was the same. I froze, my breath gone as old sorrow took its place. Eva. Her face filtered through my mind, my eyes fil ing with tears when I saw the scarred flesh, tangible evidence of my baby girl. Our baby girl. I looked at Melanie. Her face filled with understanding, her love and pain for Eva mingled with my own. My fingers shook as I reached a tentative hand out to touch them, to run my fingers along the skin marred in perfection, the deformity a treasure. I ached to embrace my baby girl as my mouth left smal kisses along the long-healed wounds. I prayed Eva could somehow feel my love for her.

I found Melanie’s face, desperate to tel the one person I knew would understand. “I miss her.” Gentle fingers reached out to run through my hair. No words were needed as we mourned for our daughter, our heartbreak freely given to each other. And for the first time since I’d lost Eva, my thoughts of her were not completely unbearable.

I’d never stop missing my baby girl, never stop loving her, but as Melanie and I clung to each other, I knew I could finally all ow myself to heal.

The intensity of the moment was overpowering in the quiet still ness of the room filled with love and need. The tension grew as our energy surged in the air. Finally, it was too much.

“Daniel, please.”

Simple words, words I was all too happy to heed.

Hooking my thumbs around the edges of her panties, I pulled them down slowly down her legs.

“Beautiful,” tumbled from my mouth as I looked down upon her fully unclothed and waiting for me.

I scooted off the bed, and removed my jeans and boxers in one quick movement and threw them aside.

Slowly, I crawled back between her legs. I showered her in adoration, my hands and lips and words loving her. Her body reacted under my fingers, and I knew she was just as anxious I was.

I tore my mouth from hers to see her face. Never had I felt more loved, more complete. Green eyes stared back at me, filled with so much emotion. Melanie’s spirit swam behind them, promising me that I was everything.

I loved her, so much. I wanted to tel her how much she meant, but nothing I said would ever be enough.

I took her hands in each of mine and pressed them into the bed at either side of her head, hugging her body close. The energy was so intense it almost burned.

“Are you ready for me?”

She nodded, her body trembling as she

anticipated me. Her eyes held mine, and I pushed into her slowly, every nerve aflame in expectation of the greatest pleasure I could know. Her body no longer just trembled, but fully shook beneath me. She felt so good, so perfect, so right, and oh—I had waited for this for nine years, and I was going to lose it in less than five seconds.

I still ed, holding myself back as she rode it out. I feasted on the sight in front me. Melanie’s skin was flushed and radiant and glowing. Her face told of ecstasy and life; a spirit roused, two souls rejoined, marking it the most significant moment in my life as she became one with me.

Sweat shone across her forehead, her mouth twisting with a hint of satisfaction. I nearly cried when she began to move beneath me.

“Wait…don’t move.” I just needed a minute—or five. “You feel too good,” I whispered against her ear.

I fought to regain my control, focusing on the beat of her heart and the warmth in her eyes. I caressed her face and kissed her mouth. Intuition took over, and I began to move with her.

The memories I had of making love with Melanie couldn’t compare to the real thing. This physical gratification was greater than any other. Ever. Nothing could possibly feel better. But it went so far beyond that, this connection we shared. I almost wept as she clung to me, digging her fingernails into my skin as we shared the most intimate of embraces. I was filled with awe with being able hold this precious woman again, the one who had invaded every thought of mine for more than eleven years.

Eleven years.

Fear gripped me as I thought of ever being without her again. “Promise me,” I grunted in desperation as I moved against her. “Promise you’ll never leave me.” Sweet, soft hands stroked away my worry, and Melanie uttered the only word I would ever accept. “Never.”

“I’ll never let you go again, Melanie. Never.

Nothing wil come between us…nothing.” I would destroy anything, anyone who tried to take her from me. Being away from her was no longer an option. She was mine, only mine.

“Never,” she promised again, unwavering,


I finally gave myself over to her, my body rushed against hers. I was lost in soft murmurs of love, our heat building and breaking. Waves of release rol ed from Melanie’s flushed body, beckoning, coaxing me. Words of love and need and devotion came indistinct as I cried out in pleasure, a pleasure that had no comparison. It was a pleasure that went deeper than physical. It was a pleasure attained by a heart made whole. It was a pleasure found only in my beautiful, perfect girl.


There was no other way to describe it. Melanie was wrapped in my arms, her head on my shoulder as she ran soft fingers over my chest.

My hand trailed up and down the soft, creamy skin of her shoulder and arm, the other wrapped around her back holding her close.

We’d lain silently together for more than an hour, basking in each other’s touch. We had so much to talk about, but we couldn’t seem to let go of this quiet moment.

I still couldn’t believe I was lying next to her—next to my life. Long ago, I’d accepted I would never truly live again, that I would merely exist. Then when she’d reached for me, I’d been reborn. I glanced down to find her eyes.

The pain, so evident this morning, had been wiped away.

Her mouth spread into a radiant smile. She looked so happy. I beamed down at her. Melanie’s cheeks immediately reddened, and she buried her head in the crook of my arm, mumbling into the skin, “You have no idea how much I missed your smile.” She propped herself on her elbow to look at me, running her fingers over my bare chest.

I quirked an eyebrow, teasing. “That’s what you missed?”

She released a smal giggle before turning serious, her voice low and laced with sadness. “I missed you, Daniel. Everything about you, including that smile.”